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On Tuesday, October 15th, SFU Psychology hosted their 6th annual PSYC Research Lab Fair in the North AQ.
20 labs from all six areas of Psychology (Clinical, Cognitive & Neural, Developmental, History Quantitative & Theoretical, Social, and Law & Forensic) including 2 labs from the Department of Linguistics were in attendance at the event. In addition, the Psychology Student Union (PSU), Behavioral Neuroscience Student Society (BNSS), Arts Central, Career & Volunteer Services, Psychology's Indigenous Reconciliation Committee & JEDAI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, Accessibility, Inclusion) Workgroup were present to chat with students about different ways they can get involved on or off campus.
This year, we had over 100+ table volunteers, along with 12 undergraduate psychology student volunteers. Each lab had an average of 55 visitors, with some labs receiving 70-96 visitors. We would like to thank all of our labs, tables, and volunteers for making this year's event such a big success!

Participating Labs
Adolescent Health Lab |
The Adolescent Health Lab investigates risk and protective factors related to adolescent mental health and social wellbeing. Our research also includes large scale implementation studies evaluating an evidence-based and attachment-focused intervention called Connect for parents and other carers of at-risk youth. Additionally, we focus on researching underserved and diverse populations and responding to the needs of culturally and gender diverse families. Our lab will summarize our students' projects, as well as national and international research collaborations on youth health and wellbeing, and provide information on the Connect Program. |
We research an array of topics about how neurodiversity interacts with aspects of life such as jobs, parenting and attachment, advocacy, and obtaining diagnosis. We strive for autistic and neurodiversity led, co-created research. |
The Close Relationships Lab studies how romantic relationships change over time and how people can have satisfying and healthy romantic relationships. This lab currently focuses on the experiences of people in ethically non-monogamous relationships (e.g., polyamory, open, or swinging) to learn how they may succeed despite the challenges of stigma from dominant hetero- mono-normative society. |
CORTECH (Concussion Outcomes, Recovery,
The CORTECH Lab studies the psychosocial determinants of health after concussion across the lifespan (adolescents and adults). We will be presenting ongoing research and hosting a concussion trivia game. We will also be actively recruiting new volunteer research assistants. |
Human Electrophysiology Lab |
SFU's Human Electrophysiology Lab (HEL) uses noninvasive measures of human brain activity to investigate perception, attention, memory, and other mental functions. We are particularly interested in individual differences in the ability to prevent visual distractions. |
Spalek, Lab of Attention, Memory & Perception |
Our lab researches cognitive mechanisms such as those involved in attention (e.g., how does your brain selectively process some aspects of your environment over others?) and perception (e.g., how does your visual system use new information to build an understanding of what you see?). To help us answer these questions, we use a variety of tools including computers, electroencephalography, transcranial magnetic stimulation, and eye-tracking. |
The Translational Neuroscience lab uses touchscreen-based cognitive testing in mice and humans to try and understand how sleep and circadian rhythm disturbances contribute to the cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer's disease. There will be scientific posters, a power point presentation with the images of our studies, CANTAB test introduction on iPad, and games that imitates the experiments we do in animals (Touchscreen Cognition Chambers). |
Featuring research on how people pay attention to the visual world, with examples of change detection studies using the Flicker Task. Students will be able to try out these examples for themselves. |
The All Families Lab researches on how parents and families can better support child flourishing. Our current projects address how mindfulness and cultural factors contribute to effective parenting and positive child development. |
The Culture and Development Lab examines how children grow in diverse cultural and social contexts. Our aim is to better understand the diversity of developmental contexts across the globe. We work primarily on Tanna, Vanuatu as well as collaborate in other regions such as the Republic of the Congo, Tajikistan, Fiji, Bolivia, and Kenya |
Grow to Care Lab studies children's emotions, social behaviors, and peer relationships, and how parents and peers can influence child well-being. They will be presenting their ongoing and future research initiatives, and talk about research opportunities for those who wish to get involved in research. |
History, Quantitative, & Theoretical
The Studies in Methodology and Philosophy of Psychological Science Lab, directed by Dr. Kathleen Slaney, conducts research in areas of history and philosophy of science, analysis of various theoretical systems in psychology, with an emphasis on methods and methodology. |
Law & Forensic
The Children's Memory Research group will be present to discuss our research and answer questions from students about what we do. We focus on a wide range of topics including children's memory for repeated events, child witness memory, perceived credibility, and cognitive biases. |
Eyewitness Memory Lab research focuses broadly on memory, face recognition, eyewitness testimony, and legal evidence. At our table, you will be able to participate in memory games that challenge you to remember faces and match different pictures of the same person. Through these games, you will get a taste of the type of research conducted by the Eyewitness Memory Lab. |
Dr. Aknin's Social Psychology Lab investigates what types of behaviour and people promote connection, indness, and well-being. Their station will be collecting data for an ongoing research study! |
Sustainability, Identity, and Social Change (SISC) Lab |
The Sustainability, Identity, & Social Change Lab will be presenting research on environmental activism, climate change and imagining a sustainable world. |
Singlehood Experiences and
People involved in supportive intimate relationships experience better psychological and physical health. However, even good relationships are hard to maintain. Given the crucial role of intimate relationships in protecting people against psychological and physical health problems, our research aims to determined when and for whom relationships foster greater well-being. The SECURE Lab will present the latest research in the domains of relationship and singlehood studies with posters. |
Intergroup Relations and Social Justice Lab |
The Intergroup Relations and Social Justice lab will be presenting research on one of their reoccuring projects, the Making Ends Meet poverty simulation. The Intergroup Relations and Social Justice Lab will also be recruiting research assistants for future poverty simulations. |
Linguistic Labs
Language Learning and Development Lab |
The Language Learning and Development Lab (a.k.a., the LangDev Lab) examines language learning learning in infants and young children, as well as in adult learners who are studying a new language. The goal of the LangDev lab, is to understand the relation between language learning and human perception and cognition. We try to understand how langauge learning changes the way that we perceive the world, and also try to identify the optimal conditions for accelerating language learning and development |
Language and Brain lab |
The Language and Brain Lab (LAB) focuses on the study of language and speech, including its perception, production, and acquisition, as well as cognitive and neural processing. The LAB Lab conducts behavioral, electro-physiological, and neuro-imaging research with both adults and children, across a variety of languages. |
Psychology Student Union (PSU) |
The Psychology Student Union promotes and represents the interests of Psychology students. They provide social and academic support, as well as resources, for our undergraduate students. Events and activities are held year-round and regularly communicated through social media channels. |
Behavioural Neuroscience Student Union (BNSS) |
The Behavioural Neuroscience Student Union aims to promote and represent student interests in the Behavioural Neuroscience Program, and all students taking BPK or psychology courses. The BNSS acts as a forum in which students interested in neuroscience can engage with one another, seek guidance, and share ideas and experience. |
Psychology's Indigenous Reconciliation Committee and JEDAI workgroup |
The Department of Psychology's Indigenous Reconciliation Committee's aim is to support respectful, equitable, and reciprocal relations between Indigenous Peoples and Settler (non-Indigenous) Peoples. By following the TRC Calls to Action, our committee works to eliminate the marginalization and under-representation that Indigenous Peoples experience in academic settings. The Department of Psychology's JEDAI workgroup seeks to uphold the University JEDI Statement. We do this through a commitment toward the development of actionable priorities in regards to Justice, Decolonizing, (Re)concilia(c)tion, Equity, Diversity, Accessibility, Inclusion (JEDAI). |