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gifted geneticist

Fiona BrinkmanMolecular biology and biochemistry professor Fiona Brinkman, named one of the world's "top 100 young innovators" by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Technology Review, will participate in an important genomic project funded by Genome Canada.

The $13.4-million research project will determine which genes are activated by different pathogens and their hosts during different types of infections. The project will increase understanding of how disease-causing agents infect humans and animals.

Brinkman expects that the project's broad-based approach will permit global conclusions to be drawn about how infections occur and the reaction of the host to these infections. "This approach will hopefully lead to the development of truly novel therapeutics that boost immunity to disease."

For more information

SFU News Release
Fiona Brinkman's Website

'Research' & library stacks and a reflection of a person in a window'Research' & library stacks and a reflection of a person in a window
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