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Simon Fraser University 2002President's MessageContact


tackling teen violence

Marlene MorettiSFU psychologist Marlene Moretti has received a $260,000-a-year grant for six years to study the behaviour of aggressive and violent teenage girls. Moretti's research will examine contributing factors, developmental trajectories and intervention strategies.

The grant is being provided by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, a federal health research organization. Another federal body, Statistics Canada, estimates that violent crime among females has risen 127 per cent in the last decade. At the same time, psychologists cite a lack of information and understanding about aggression in girls.

In May 2002, Moretti co-organized a two-day conference at SFU that examined the causes of girls' increasing involvement in aggressive and violent behaviour. Experts from across North America participated in the conference, sharing their research on high risk factors for aggression and violence among teenage girls.

For more information

SFU News Release

'Research' & library stacks and a reflection of a person in a window'Research' & library stacks and a reflection of a person in a window
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