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Simon Fraser University 2002President's MessageContact


rising star

Patricia KretzSecond-year biology student Patricia Kretz was one of four Canadian students to receive the 2002 Fessenden-Trott scholarship from the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada.

The $9,000 scholarship recognizes the outstanding academic achievement and community involvement of a student who has completed one year of post-secondary education. The scholarship is renewable for up to three years. Kretz earned a 3.96 grade point average last year. She also volunteered weekly in a local soup kitchen, worked as a tutor, played soccer for SFU and coached a girl's soccer team.

The scholarship is named in memory of Reginald Fessenden and his wife Helen Trott. Professor Fessenden, who was born in Canada in 1866, was a renowned inventor of electrical and radio equipment, including the radio telephone in 1900.

For more information

Fessenden-Trott scholarship information

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