February 17, 2015

Presented by Sanford Osler, Chair of the North Vancouver Museum and Archives Commission

Tuesday February 17, 2015, 114 Halpern Centre, 11:30 am

Abstract: Vancouver paddler Sanford Osler will give an illustrated talk covering favorite stories from his new book "Canoe Crossings: Understanding the Craft that helped Shape British Columbia" which describes the length, width
and depth of the relationship British Columbians have had with canoes of all types.

Presenter: Sanford Osler holds an MA from the University of British Columbia and is currently Chair of the North Vancouver Museum and Archives Commission and a trustee of the North Vancouver District Public Library.  

This is the second in the Spring 2015  SFURA Speakers Program. Presentations are free and open to all members of SFU and the public.  No reservations are required.  They are held at 11:30 am on Tuesdays with a talk of approximately 50 minutes, plus a short question period.

Members of the audience are invited to join the speaker and executive board for lunch at the Diamond Alumni Centre following the talk.