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SAS/ACCESS Interface to SYSTEM 2000 Data Management Software: Reference

Loading the BANKING Database

You create and load a SYSTEM 2000 database by using the DBLOAD procedure with options and statements that describe the SYSTEM 2000 database you want to create and the data you want to load into the database. To load the BANKING database with the DBLOAD procedure, use the following options and statements:

JCL statements;

proc dbload dbms=s2k data=trans.banking;
   rename acctnum='account number' 4= 'account type'        
         5='trans type' 6='trans amount' 
         7='trans date';
   index 1=y 2=y 3=y 4=y transtyp=y 7=y;
   level 3=1 4=1 5=2 6=2 transdat=2;
   list all; 
JCL statements;
submit your statements for execution under the SAS System.

proc dbload dbms=s2k data=trans.banking;
invokes the DBLOAD procedure. The DBMS= option specifies the DBMS into which you want to load data. The DATA= option specifies the SAS data file where the data reside.

issues the password that will become the master password for the new database.

identifies the database you want to create with the DBN= statement, in this case, a SYSTEM 2000 database named BANKING.;
specifies the access descriptor libref and member name. The access descriptor is created automatically by the DBLOAD procedure. In this example, the name specified is MYLIB.BANK. The default access descriptor name would be WORK.BANKING.ACCESS, where BANKING is the name of the database to be created. The access descriptor member name must not already exist when you are creating a new database.

specifies the view descriptor libref and member name for the new database. The view descriptor is created automatically by the DBLOAD procedure. In this example, the specified name is VLIB.MYVIEW. The default view descriptor name would be WORK.BANKING.VIEW, where BANKING is the name of the database to be created. The view descriptor member name must not already exist when you are creating a new database.

creates the new database in a Multi-User environment. The default (S) is a single-user job. For a Multi-User session, the new database files can be allocated when the session is initialized or dynamically allocated during execution using the ALLOC command (Release 12.0 and later). For a single-user job, you must allocate the database files in the JCL for the job.

rename acctnum='account number' 4= 'account type' 5='trans type' 6='trans amount' 7='trans date';
changes the names of the last five items with the RENAME statement. You always use a SAS variable on the left-hand side of the equal sign. You can use either the SAS variable name or its positional equivalent as shown in the LIST statement, and you can rename as many items as you want in one RENAME statement.

index 1=y 2=y 3=y 4=y transtyp=y 7=y;
defines items as key (indexed) with the INDEX statement. This statement makes key items of all items except TRANS AMOUNT. TRANS AMOUNT is not listed, so it defaults to non-key. You always use a SAS variable on the left-hand side of the equals sign. You can use either the SAS variable name or its positional equivalent as shown in the LIST output, and you can index as many items as you want in one INDEX statement.

level 3=1 4=1 5=2 6=2 transdat=2;
changes the level number of an item with the LEVEL statement. In this example, ACCOUNT NUMBER and ACCOUNT TYPE become items in a level 1 record; TRANS TYPE, TRANS AMOUNT, and TRANS DATE become items in a level 2 record. The DBLOAD procedure automatically defines the schema record names RECORD_LEVEL_1 and RECORD_LEVEL_2, respectively, and assigns appropriate component numbers.

You always use a SAS variable on the left-hand side of the equals sign. You can use either the SAS variable name or its positional equivalent as shown in the LIST output, and you can change the level number for as many items as you want in one LEVEL statement.

list all;
lists the items, levels, and index settings with the LIST statement.

load; run;
executes the DBLOAD procedure and creates and loads the database.

The output of the LIST statement is shown in LIST Statement Output.

LIST Statement Output
 Command ===>
    Input data set=        TRANS    BANKING  DATA
    View descriptor=       VLIB     MYVIEW   VIEW
    Access descriptor=     MYLIB    BANK     ACCESS
    Database name=         BANKING
    S2KMODE=               M
    Label option=          N
    Create option=         N
    S2KLOAD=               N
   1          CUSTNAME           YES     CUSTNAME
   2          CUSTID             YES     CUSTID
   3          ACCTNUM    1       YES     ACCOUNT NUMBER
   4          ACCTTYP    1       YES     ACCOUNT TYPE
   5          TRANSTYP   2       YES     TRANS TYPE
   6          TRANSAMT   2               TRANS AMOUNT
   7          TRANSDAT   2       YES     TRANS DATE

Subsetting Your Input Data

To subset your input data, use the SAS WHERE statement. Creating a subset of the input data is useful if you need to transfer only a portion of your SAS data to a SYSTEM 2000 database. For example, you might want to include only observations in which the value in a variable is greater than a specified number. Here is an example using the SAS WHERE statement:

  proc dbload dbms=s2k data=trans.banking;
    where acctnum > 4141;

This example subsets the input data to include only those observations in which the SAS variable ACCTNUM has a value greater than 4141. Here, none of the items are renamed or indexed, and they are all at level 0.

Note that you use the SAS variable name in the WHERE statement, not the SYSTEM 2000 item name. For information on the syntax of the SAS WHERE statement, see SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.

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