Chapter Contents


SAS/ACCESS Software for Relational Databases: Reference

Using the SQL Procedure with DBMS Data

The previous examples showed how to read DBMS data and perform operations on the data in SAS. You can also perform operations on data directly in your DBMS by using the SQL procedure.

The following examples use the SQL procedure to query, update, and create DBMS tables.

Querying a DBMS Table

This example uses the SQL procedure to query the ORACLE table PAYROLL. The PROC SQL query retrieves all job codes and provides a total salary amount for each job code.

libname myoralib oracle user=karin password=haggis
  path='airhrdata' schema=airport;

proc sql;
  select jobcode label='Jobcode',
         sum(salary) as total 
         label='Total for Group' 
  from myoralib.payroll
  group by jobcode;

Output for this example is shown in Querying a DBMS Table.

Querying a DBMS Table
                     The SAS System    1

                                Total for
                 Jobcode            Group

                     BCK      $232,148.00
                     FA1      $253,433.00
                     FA2      $447,790.00
                     FA3      $230,537.00
                     ME1      $228,002.00
                     ME2      $498,076.00
                     ME3      $296,875.00
                     NA1      $210,161.00
                     NA2      $157,149.00
                     PT1      $543,264.00
                     PT2      $879,252.00
                     PT3       $21,009.00
                     SCP      $128,162.00
                     TA1      $249,492.00
                     TA2      $671,499.00
                     TA3      $476,155.00

The next example uses the SQL procedure to query flight information from the ORACLE table DELAY. The WHERE clause specifies that only flights to London and Frankfurt are retrieved.

libname myoralib oracle user=kurt password=freude
  path='fltdata' schema=airport;

 title 'Flights to London and Frankfurt';

 proc sql;
   select dates format=date9., 
     dest from myoralib.delay
   where (dest eq "FRA") or
     (dest eq "LON")
   order by dest;

Note:   Interaction between the SQL procedure and the SAS/ACCESS engine ensures that both the WHERE clause and the ORDER BY clause are processed by the DBMS for optimized performance.  [cautionend]
Output for this example is shown in Querying a DBMS Table.

Querying a DBMS Table
               Flights to London and Frankfurt

                          DATES  DEST

                      01MAR1998  FRA
                      04MAR1998  FRA
                      07MAR1998  FRA
                      03MAR1998  FRA
                      05MAR1998  FRA
                      02MAR1998  FRA
                      04MAR1998  LON
                      07MAR1998  LON
                      02MAR1998  LON
                      06MAR1998  LON
                      05MAR1998  LON
                      03MAR1998  LON
                      01MAR1998  LON

The next example uses the SQL procedure to query the DB2 table INTERNAT for information on international flights with over 200 passengers. Note that output can be sorted by using a PROC SQL query and that the TITLE, LABEL, and FORMAT key words are not ANSI standard SQL; they are SAS extensions that you can use in PROC SQL.

libname mydb2lib db2 ssid=db2;

proc sql;
   title  'International Flights by Flight Number';
   title2 'with Over 200 Passengers';
   select flight   label="Flight Number",
          dates    label="Departure Date" 
                   format DATE9.,
          dest     label="Destination",
          boarded  label="Number Boarded"
     from mydb2lib.internat
    where boarded > 200
    order by flight;

Output for this example is shown in Querying a DBMS Table.

Querying a DBMS Table
             International Flights by Flight Number
                    with Over 200 Passengers

           Flight  Departure                 Number
           Number       Date  Destination   Boarded
           219     04MAR1998  LON               232
           219     07MAR1998  LON               241
           622     07MAR1998  FRA               210
           622     01MAR1998  FRA               207

The next example uses the SQL procedure to query the DB2 table PAYROLL for information on all flight attendants, ordered by JOBCODE and SERVICE.

libname mydb2lib db2 ssid=db2;

proc sql;
   title  'Service Years and Salary';
   title2 'for Flight Attendants';
   select idnum     label='ID Number',
          jobcode   label='Job Code',
          salary    label='Salary' 
                    format dollar7.,
          (today()-HIRED)/365.25 as service
                    label='Years Service' 
                    format 4.1,
          hired     label='Hire Date'
                    format date9.
    from mydb2lib.payroll
    where jobcode like 'FA%'
    order by jobcode, service;

Partial output for this example is shown in Querying a DBMS Table.

Querying a DBMS Table
                  Service Years and Salary
                   for Flight Attendants

          ID      Job              Years
          Number  Code   Salary  Service  Hire Date
          1132    FA1   $22,413      3.9  22OCT1993
          1425    FA1   $23,979      4.6  28FEB1993
          1103    FA1   $23,738      5.2  23JUL1992
          1130    FA1   $23,916      5.3  05JUN1992
          1414    FA1   $23,644      5.4  12APR1992
          1113    FA1   $22,367      5.9  17OCT1991
          1094    FA1   $22,268      6.4  17APR1991
          1422    FA1   $22,454      6.5  06APR1991
          1116    FA1   $22,862      6.5  21MAR1991
          1970    FA1   $22,615      6.5  12MAR1991

Querying Multiple DBMS Tables

You can also retrieve data from multiple DBMS tables in a single query by using the SQL procedure. This example joins the ORACLE tables STAFF and PAYROLL to query salary information for employees earning more than $40,000.

libname myoralib oracle user=michelle password=toys
  path='airhrdata' schema=hrdept;

title 'Employees with salary greater than $40,000';

options obs=20;

proc sql;
  select a.lname, a.fname, b.salary 
  from myoralib.staff a, myoralib.payroll b
  where (a.idnum eq b.idnum) and 
    (b.salary gt 40000);

Note:   For optimized performance, the SAS/ACCESS engine passes the entire join to the DBMS for processing.  [cautionend]
Output for this example is shown in Querying Multiple DBMS Tables.

Querying Multiple DBMS Tables
         Employees with salary greater than $40,000

        LNAME            FNAME                SALARY
        BAREFOOT         JOSEPH           $43,025.00
        BANADYGA         JUSTIN           $88,606.00
        BRANCACCIO       JOSEPH           $66,517.00
        BRADY            CHRISTINE        $68,767.00
        COHEN            LEE              $91,376.00
        CARTER-COHEN     KAREN            $40,260.00
        CASTON           FRANKLIN         $41,690.00
        FERNANDEZ        KATRINA          $51,081.00
        GRAHAM           ALVIN            $65,111.00
        GREGORSKI        DANIEL           $68,096.00
        HARRIS           CHARLES          $84,685.00
        HASENHAUER       CHRISTINA        $70,736.00
        HAVELKA          RAYMOND          $41,551.00
        HERRERO          CLYDE            $66,130.00
        KIMANI           ANNE             $40,899.00
        MARSHBURN        JASPER           $89,632.00
        MORGAN           ALFRED           $42,264.00
        NEWKIRK          SANDRA           $84,536.00
        NEWKIRK          WILLIAM          $52,270.00
        NEWTON           JAMES            $84,203.00

The next example uses the SQL procedure to join and query the DB2 tables MARCH, DELAY, and FLIGHT. The query retrieves information on delayed international flights during the month of March.

libname mydb2lib db2 ssid=db2;

title "Delayed International Flights in March";                
proc sql;                                                      
  select distinct march.flight, march.dates, 
      delay format=2.0  
    from mydb2lib.march, mydb2lib.delay, 
  where march.flight=delay.flight and                          
      march.dates=delay.dates and                                
      march.flight=internat.flight and                           
  order by delay descending; 

Note:   For optimized performance, the SAS/ACCESS engine passes the entire join to the DBMS for processing.  [cautionend]
Output for this example is shown in Querying Multiple DBMS Tables.

Querying Multiple DBMS Tables
           Delayed International Flights in March      
                 FLIGHT      DATES  DELAY           
                 622     04MAR1998     30           
                 219     06MAR1998     27           
                 622     07MAR1998     21           
                 219     01MAR1998     18           
                 219     02MAR1998     18           
                 219     07MAR1998     15           
                 132     01MAR1998     14           
                 132     06MAR1998      7           
                 132     03MAR1998      6           
                 271     01MAR1998      5           
                 132     02MAR1998      5           
                 271     04MAR1998      5           
                 271     05MAR1998      5           
                 271     02MAR1998      4           
                 219     03MAR1998      4           
                 271     07MAR1998      4           
                 219     04MAR1998      3           
                 132     05MAR1998      3           
                 219     05MAR1998      3           
                 271     03MAR1998      2     

The next example uses the SQL procedure to retrieve the combined results of two queries to the ORACLE tables PAYROLL and PAYROLL2. An OUTER UNION in PROC SQL concatenates the data.

libname myoralib oracle user=charles password=mazyar
  path='airhrdept' schema=hrdept;

title "Payrolls 1 & 2";

proc sql;
  select *
     from myoralib.payroll
  outer union corr
     select *
        from myoralib.payroll2
        order by idnum, jobcode, salary;

Partial output for this example is shown in Querying Multiple DBMS Tables.

Querying Multiple DBMS Tables
                                 Payrolls 1 & 2                 1
              IDNUM  SEX  JOBCODE    SALARY      BIRTH      HIRED
              1009   M    TA1         28880  02MAR1959  26MAR1992
              1017   M    TA3         40858  28DEC1957  16OCT1981
              1036   F    TA3         39392  19MAY1965  23OCT1984
              1036   F    TA3         42465  19MAY1965  23OCT1984
              1037   F    TA1         28558  10APR1964  13SEP1992
              1038   F    TA1         26533  09NOV1969  23NOV1991
              1050   M    ME2         35167  14JUL1963  24AUG1986
              1065   M    ME2         35090  26JAN1944  07JAN1987
              1065   M    ME3         38090  26JAN1944  07JAN1987
              1076   M    PT1         66558  14OCT1955  03OCT1991
              1076   M    PT1         69742  14OCT1955  03OCT1991
              1094   M    FA1         22268  02APR1970  17APR1991
              1100   M    BCK         25004  01DEC1960  07MAY1988
              1101   M    SCP         18723  06JUN1962  01OCT1990
              1102   M    TA2         34542  01OCT1959  15APR1991
              1103   F    FA1         23738  16FEB1968  23JUL1992
              1104   M    SCP         17946  25APR1963  10JUN1991
              1105   M    ME2         34805  01MAR1962  13AUG1990

Updating DBMS Data

In addition to querying data, you can also update data directly in your DBMS. You can update rows, columns, and tables by using the SQL procedure.

The following example adds a new row to the DB2 table SUPERV.

libname mydb2lib db2 ssid=db2;

proc sql;
insert into mydb2lib.superv

proc print data=mydb2lib.superv;
  title "New Row in AIRLINE.SUPERV";

Note:   Depending on how your DBMS processes inserts, the new row might not be added as the last physical row of the table.  [cautionend]

Output for this example is shown in Updating DBMS Data.

Updating DBMS Data
                New Row in AIRLINE.SUPERV         1
             OBS    SUPID    STATE    JOBCAT

              1    1677      CT        BC
              2    1834      NY        BC
              3    1431      CT        FA
              4    1433      NJ        FA
              5    1983      NY        FA
              6    1385      CT        ME
              7    1420      NJ        ME
              8    1882      NY        ME
              9    1935      CT        NA
             10    1417      NJ        NA
             11    1352      NY        NA
             12    1106      CT        PT
             13    1442      NJ        PT
             14    1118      NY        PT
             15    1405      NJ        SC
             16    1564      NY        SC
             17    1639      CT        TA
             18    1401      NJ        TA
             19    1126      NY        TA
             20    1588      NY        FA

The next example deletes all employees who work in Connecticut from the DB2 table STAFF.

libname mydb2lib db2 ssid=db2;

proc sql;
  delete from mydb2lib.staff
    where state='CT';

options obs=20;

proc print data=mydb2lib.staff;
   title "AIRLINE.STAFF After Deleting 
       Connecticut Employees";

Note:   If you omit a WHERE clause when you delete rows from a table, all rows in the table are deleted.  [cautionend]

Output for this example is shown in Updating DBMS Data.

Updating DBMS Data
                  AIRLINE.STAFF After Deleting Connecticut Employees            1
     OBS IDNUM LNAME           FNAME           CITY            STATE HPHONE

       1 1400  ALHERTANI       ABDULLAH        NEW YORK         NY   212/586-0808
       2 1350  ALVAREZ         MERCEDES        NEW YORK         NY   718/383-1549
       3 1401  ALVAREZ         CARLOS          PATERSON         NJ   201/732-8787
       4 1499  BAREFOOT        JOSEPH          PRINCETON        NJ   201/812-5665
       5 1101  BAUCOM          WALTER          NEW YORK         NY   212/586-8060
       6 1402  BLALOCK         RALPH           NEW YORK         NY   718/384-2849
       7 1479  BALLETTI        MARIE           NEW YORK         NY   718/384-8816
       8 1739  BRANCACCIO      JOSEPH          NEW YORK         NY   212/587-1247
       9 1658  BREUHAUS        JEREMY          NEW YORK         NY   212/587-3622
      10 1244  BUCCI           ANTHONY         NEW YORK         NY   718/383-3334
      11 1383  BURNETTE        THOMAS          NEW YORK         NY   718/384-3569
      12 1574  CAHILL          MARSHALL        NEW YORK         NY   718/383-2338
      13 1789  CARAWAY         DAVIS           NEW YORK         NY   212/587-9000
      14 1404  COHEN           LEE             NEW YORK         NY   718/384-2946
      15 1065  COPAS           FREDERICO       NEW YORK         NY   718/384-5618
      16 1876  CHIN            JACK            NEW YORK         NY   212/588-5634
      17 1129  COUNIHAN        BRENDA          NEW YORK         NY   718/383-2313
      18 1988  COOPER          ANTHONY         NEW YORK         NY   212/587-1228
      19 1405  DACKO           JASON           PATERSON         NJ   201/732-2323
      20 1983  DEAN            SHARON          NEW YORK         NY   718/384-1647

Creating a DBMS Table

You can create new tables in your DBMS by using the SQL procedure.

This example uses the SQL procedure to create the ORACLE table GTFORTY by using data from the ORACLE STAFF and PAYROLL tables.

libname myoralib oracle user=charles password=mazyar
  path='airhrdept' schema=hrdept;

proc sql;
  create table myoralib.gtforty as
  select lname as lastname,
         fname as firstname,
         salary as salary 
  from myoralib.staff a, 
       myoralib.payroll b
  where (a.idnum eq b.idnum) and 
        (salary gt 40000);

options obs=20;

proc print data=myoralib.gtforty noobs;
  title 'Employees with salaries over $40,000';

Output for this example is shown in Creating a DBMS Table.

Creating a DBMS Table
          Employees with salaries over $40,000         1

        LASTNAME        FIRSTNAME        SALARY

        BAREFOOT        JOSEPH       $43,025.00
        BANADYGA        JUSTIN       $88,606.00
        BRANCACCIO      JOSEPH       $66,517.00
        BRADY           CHRISTINE    $68,767.00
        COHEN           LEE          $91,376.00
        CARTER-COHEN    KAREN        $40,260.00
        CASTON          FRANKLIN     $41,690.00
        FERNANDEZ       KATRINA      $51,081.00
        GRAHAM          ALVIN        $65,111.00
        GREGORSKI       DANIEL       $68,096.00
        HARRIS          CHARLES      $84,685.00
        HASENHAUER      CHRISTINA    $70,736.00
        HAVELKA         RAYMOND      $41,551.00
        HERRERO         CLYDE        $66,130.00
        KIMANI          ANNE         $40,899.00
        MARSHBURN       JASPER       $89,632.00
        MORGAN          ALFRED       $42,264.00
        NEWKIRK         SANDRA       $84,536.00
        NEWKIRK         WILLIAM      $52,270.00
        NEWTON          JAMES        $84,203.00

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