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Doing More with SAS/ASSIST Software

Transporting SAS Files Across Operating Environments

You can use SAS/ASSIST software to prepare SAS files for transport to another operating environment. Utilities on the Data Management menu enables you to convert a SAS file into transport format, and to convert a transport file to a SAS file. In this section, you convert the SASUSER.VENEER table into transport format. A file that is in transport format can be transported to a different operating environment, for example, across a network using File Transfer Protocol (FTP). In addition to SAS tables, you can also convert SAS libraries and catalogs to transport format.

Additional Information

For additional information about converting SAS files from one format to another, refer to "The CPORT Procedure" and "The CIMPORT Procedure" in the SAS Procedures Guide.


  1. Follow this selection path:

    Data Management
    Convert to CPORT format
    The Convert a SAS Table window appears.

    Convert a SAS Table Window


  2. Use the Input SAS table name button to select the SASUSER.VENEER table.

  3. If desired, select Output file name; the Select External File Name window appears. Alternatively, you can accept the default output file name. See the following table for a list of default file names.

    Select External File Name Window


  4. In the External file name field, type the name of the file as is appropriate for your operating environment to transport the VENEER table. Use the following table as a guide.

    Operating Environment File Name Examples and Transport File Default Names
    Operating Environ-ment What You Type Example Transport File Default
    OS/390 an operating system data set name, and if a partitioned data set is used, a member USERID.DATA.


    CMS the file name, file type, and file mode VENEER FILE A SASCAT DATA in the first R/W accessed disk
    OpenVMS the name of a device, directory, and filename DEVICE:[SASDATA] VENEER.DAT SASCAT.DAT in the default directory
    UNIX the name of a directory or subdirectory and a filename /u/userid/sasdata/veneer sascat.dat in the working directory
    OS/2 or Windows the name of a drive, directory or subdirectory, and a filename and extension C:\SASDATA\


    SASCAT.DAT in the working directory

  5. Select Filename because you typed a filename and not a fileref.

  6. Select OK to return to the Convert a SAS Table window.

  7. Follow this selection path to create the transport file:

    The Log window appears, displaying information to indicate that the table was converted successfully.

    Log Window with Conversion Results


    Note:   Under some operating environments, such as OS/390, if the external file does not exist, a message appears asking if you want to create it. Under other operating environments, you need to create the external file before you can output a transport table to it. See the SAS companion documentation for your operating environment for more information.  [cautionend]

  1. To return to SAS/ASSIST software from the Log window, follow this selection path:


You can now transport your file to another operating environment. To convert the file back to SAS file format on the other operating environment, follow this selection path:

Data Management
Convert from CPORT format
Use the buttons in the Convert a Transport File window to specify the input file name and output table name.

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