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computes the theoritical auto-cross covariance matrices for stationary VARMA(p,q) model

CALL VARMACOV( cov, phi, theta, sigma <, p, q, lag>);

The inputs to the VARMACOV subroutine are as follows:
specifies to a kp ×k matrix containing the vector autoregressive coefficient matrices. All the roots of |\Phi(B)|=0 are greater than one in absolute value.

specifies to a kq ×k matrix containing the vector moving-average coefficient matrices. You must specify either phi or theta.

specifies a k ×k symmetric positive-definite covariance matrix of the innovation series. By default, sigma is an identity matrix with dimension k.

specifies the order of AR. You can also specify the subset of the order of AR. By default, let phi = \Phi,
p={ {\rm the number of row of matrix} \Phi \over
 {\rm the number of column of matrix} \Phi }.
For example, consider a 4 dimensional vector time series, if phi = \Phiis 4 ×4 matrix and p=1, the VARMACOV subroutine computes the theoritical auto-cross covariance matrices of VAR(1) as follows
y_t = \Phi y_{t-1} + m{\epsilon}_t.
If phi = \Phi is 4×4 matrix and p=2, the VARMACOV subroutine computes the theoritical auto-cross covariance matrices of VAR(2) as follows
y_t = \Phi y_{t-2} + m{\epsilon}_t.
If phi = [ \Phi_1' \Phi_3' ]' is 8×4 matrix and p = {1,3 }, the VARMACOV subroutine computes the theoritical auto-cross covariance matrices of VAR(3) as follows
y_t = \Phi_1 y_{t-1} + \Phi_3 y_{t-3} + m{\epsilon}_t.

specifies the order of MA. You can specify the subset of the order of MA. By default, let theta = \Theta,
q={ {\rm the number of row of matrix} \Theta \over
 {\rm the number of column of matrix} \Theta }.
The usage of q is the same as that of p.

specifies the length of lags, which must be a positive number. If lag = h, the VARMACOV computes the auto-cross covariance matrices from at lag zero to at lag h. By default, lag = 12.

The VARMACOV subroutine returns the following value:
refers an (k*lagk matrices the theoritical auto-cross covariance VARMA(p,q) series. In case of VMA(q) when p=0, the VARMACOV computes the auto-cross covariance matrices from at lag zero to at lag q.

To compute the theoritical auto-cross covariance matrices of a bivariate (k=2) VARMA(1,1) model
y_t = \Phi y_{t-1} + 
 m{\epsilon}_t - \Theta m{\epsilon}_{t-1},
with m{\epsilon}_t \sim WN( 0, \Sigma),where
\Sigma=[\matrix{1.0 & 0.5 \cr
 0.5 & 1.25\cr
\Phi=[\matrix{1.2 & -0.5 \cr
 0.6 & 0.3 \cr
\Theta=[\matrix{-0.6 & 0.3 \cr
 0.3 & 0.6 \cr
you can specify
  call varmacov(cov, phi, theta, sigma) lag=5;

The VARMACOV subroutine computes theoritical auto-cross covariance matrices for the VARMA(p,q) model when AR coefficient matrices \Phi_i, MA coefficient matrices \Theta_i, and an inovation covariance matrix \Sigma are known. Auto-cross covariance matrices \Gamma(l) are
\Gamma(l) = \sum_{j=1}^p \Gamma(l-j) \Phi_j'
 - \sum_{j=l}^q \Psi(j-l) \Sigma \Theta_j', 
 {\rm for}l=0, ... ,q
\Gamma(l) = \sum_{j=1}^p \Gamma(l-j) \Phi_j' {\rm for} l\gt q
where \Psi_j satisfy
\Psi_j = \Phi_1 \Psi_{j-1}+\Phi_2 \Psi_{j-2}+ ...  
 +\Phi_p \Psi_{j-p}-\Theta_j
with \Theta_0 = -I, \Psi_0 = I, and \Psi_j = 0 for j < 0.

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