Chapter Contents


SAS/ACCESS Interface to IMS-DL/I Software

About the Example Data in This Book

This book uses two HDAM IMS-DL/I databases, the ACCTDBD database and the WIRETRN database, to show you how to use the SAS/ACCESS interface to IMS-DL/I. These databases were created for a bank, and they contain data about the bank's customers and their checking and savings account transactions. The seven ACCTDBD database segments are named CUSTOMER, CHCKACCT, CHCKDEBT, CHCKCRDT, SAVEACCT, SAVEDEBT, and SAVECRDT. The WIRETRN database has one segment, WIRETRAN, and includes only data pertaining to wire transfers of money. All the data in the book are fictitious.

The book also uses one HIDAM database, EMPLINF2, in the examples.

Note:   These databases are designed to show how the interface treats IMS-DL/I data. They are not meant as an example for you to follow in designing databases for any purpose.  [cautionend]

Appendix 2 gives more information about the ACCTDBD database and the data it contains. Appendix 2 also includes definitions of all the view descriptors referenced in this book and all the SAS data files and statements used to create them. Defining SAS/ACCESS Descriptor Files provides information about the WIRETRN database and definitions of the view descriptors used in the examples.

Running the Examples in This Book

To run the examples based on the ACCTDBD and WIRETRN databases, you must first load the database files and define the access and view descriptors shown in Appendix 2. Use the sample library files described here.

Contains the source programs for loading the ACCTDBD, EMPLINF2, and WIRETRN database files for both the engine interface and DATA step. It includes the JCL used to allocate the IMS-DL/I databases, to create DBDs and PSBs, and to create needed flat files.

Contains the example SAS programs that use the engine interface, as shown in Using IMS-DL/I Data in SAS Programs and Browsing and Updating IMS-DL/I Data.

Contains the example SAS programs that use the DATA step interface, as shown in Introducing the IMS-DL/I DATA Step Interface and Using the SAS/ACCESS Interface to IMS-DL/I DATA Step Interface.

Chapter Contents



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