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SAS Macro Language: Reference

Unquoting Text

To unquote a value means to restore the significance of symbols in an item that was previously masked by a macro quoting function.

Usually, after an item has been masked by a macro quoting function, it retains its special status until one of the following occurs:

As a rule, you do not need to unquote an item because it is automatically unquoted when the item is passed from the word scanner to the rest of the SAS System. Under two circumstances, however, you may need to use the %UNQUOTE function to restore the original significance to a masked item:

Example of Unquoting

The following example illustrates using a value twice: once in macro quoted form and once in unquoted form. Suppose the macro ANALYZE is part of a system that allows you to compare the output of two statistical models interactively. First, you enter an operator to specify the relationship you want to test (one result greater than another, equal to another, and so forth). The macro ANALYZE tests the macro quoted value of the operator to verify that you have entered it correctly, uses the unquoted value to compare the values indicated, and writes a message. Match the numbers in the comments to the paragraphs below.

%macro analyze(stat);
   data _null_;
      set out1;
      call symput('v1',&stat);

   data _null_;
      set out2;
      call symput('v2',&stat);

   %put Preliminary test. Enter the operator.;
   %let op=%bquote(&sysbuffr);     [1] 
   %if &op=%str(=<) %then %let op=%str(<=);  [2]    [3] 
   %else %if &op=%str(=>) %then %let op=%str(>=);
   %if &v1 %unquote(&op) &v2 %then   [4] 
      %put You may proceed with the analysis.;
         %put &stat from out1 is not &op &stat from out2.;
         %put Please check your previous models.;
%mend analyze;
You mask the value of SYSBUFFR with the %BQUOTE function, which masks resolved items including unmatched, unmarked quotation marks and parentheses (but excluding the ampersand and percent sign).

The %IF condition compares the value of the macro variable OP to a string to see whether the value of OP contains the correct symbols for the operator. If the value contains symbols in the wrong order, the %THEN statement corrects the symbols. Because a value masked by a macro quoting function remains masked, you do not need to mask the reference &OP in the left side of the %IF condition.

Because you can see the characters in the right side of the %IF condition and in the %LET statement when you define the macro, you can use the %STR function to mask them. Masking them once at compilation is more efficient than masking them at each execution of ANALYZE.

To use the value of the macro variable OP as the operator in the %IF condition, you must restore the meaning of the operator with the %UNQUOTE function.

What to Do When Automatic Unquoting Does Not Work

When the macro processor generates text from an item masked by a macro quoting function, you can usually allow the SAS System to unquote the macro quoted items automatically. For example, suppose you define a macro variable PRINTIT as follows:

%let printit=%str(proc print; run;);

Then you use that macro variable in your program like this:

%put *** This code prints the data set: &printit ***;

When the macro processor generates the text from the macro variable, the items masked by macro quoting functions are automatically unquoted, and the previously masked semicolons work normally when they are passed to the rest of the SAS System.

In rare cases, masking text with a macro quoting function changes the way the word scanner tokenizes the text. (The word scanner and tokenization are discussed in Chapter 2, "SAS Programs and Macro Processing" and Chapter 4, "Macro Processing.") For example, a single or double quotation mark produced by resolution within the %BQUOTE function becomes a separate token; the word scanner does not use it as the boundary of a literal token in the input stack. If generated text that was once masked by the %BQUOTE function looks correct but the SAS System does not accept it, you may need to use the %UNQUOTE function to restore normal tokenization.

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