DICTIONARY.OPTIONS Table (partial output)
                                            Listing of the View WORK.OPTIONS                                           1
                                                   First 10 Rows Only

    optname         setting        optdesc                                                                  level

    BATCH           NOBATCH        Use the batch set of default values for SAS system options              Portable
    BINDING         DEFAULT        Controls the binding edge for duplexed output                           Portable
    BOTTOMMARGIN                   Bottom margin for printed output                                        Portable
    BUFNO           1              Number of buffers for each SAS data set                                 Portable
    BUFSIZE         0              Size of buffer for page of SAS data set                                 Portable
    BYERR           BYERR          Set the error flag if a null data set is input to the SORT procedure    Portable
    BYLINE          BYLINE         Print the by-line at the beginning of each by-group                     Portable
    CAPS            NOCAPS         Translate SAS source and data lines to uppercase                        Portable
    CARDIMAGE       NOCARDIMAGE    Process SAS source and data lines as 80-byte records                    Portable
    CATCACHE        0              Number of SAS catalogs to keep in cache memory                          Portable