Chapter Contents


The FORMS Procedure


The FORMS procedure produces labels for envelopes, mailing labels, external tape labels, file cards, and any other printer forms that have a regular pattern.

For each observation in the input SAS data set, PROC FORMS prints data in a rectangular block called a form unit. For example, a mailing label is a form unit.

Simple Mailing List Produced with PROC FORMS illustrates a simple mailing list produced with PROC FORMS. The statements that produce the output follow. The OBS= data set option limits to six the number of observations that PROC FORMS processes.

options pagesize=60 linesize=64 nodate 
filename labels 'external-file';
proc forms data=list(obs=6) file=labels 
   line 1 name;
   line 2 street;
   line 3 city state zip;

Simple Mailing List Produced with PROC FORMS
Gabrielli, Theresa      
24 Ridgetop Rd.         
Westboro        MA 01581
Clayton, Aria           
314 Bridge St.          
Hanover         NH 03755
Dix, Martin L.          
4 Shepherd St.          
Norwich         VT 05055
Slater, Emily C.        
2009 Cherry St.         
York            PA 17407
Ericson, Jane           
211 Clancey Court       
Chapel Hill     NC 27514
An, Ing                 
95 Willow Dr.           
Charlotte       NC 28211

Customized Mailing List Produced with PROC FORMS is a customized version of the same mailing list. The statements that create this list

For an explanation of the program that produces these labels, see Writing Multiple Copies of a Label within a Single Set of Labels .

Customized Mailing List Produced with PROC FORMS
Theresa Gabrielli        Theresa Gabrielli        Theresa Gabrielli       
24 Ridgetop Rd.          24 Ridgetop Rd.          24 Ridgetop Rd.         
Westboro MA 01581        Westboro MA 01581        Westboro MA 01581       
Aria Clayton             Aria Clayton             Aria Clayton            
314 Bridge St.           314 Bridge St.           314 Bridge St.          
Hanover NH 03755         Hanover NH 03755         Hanover NH 03755        
Martin L. Dix            Martin L. Dix            Martin L. Dix           
4 Shepherd St.           4 Shepherd St.           4 Shepherd St.          
Norwich VT 05055         Norwich VT 05055         Norwich VT 05055        

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