Chapter Contents


The EXPLODE Procedure

Message Lines

Specifies the block of text (one or more lines) and any special characters that control the appearance of the text.

Featured in: Controlling Spacing and Darkening and Underlining Text

Message line(s)
<D | L>
<Sn | P>
<U character-1 <...character-n>>
. . . more blocks of option specifications and text lines . . .
<D | L>
<Sn | P>
<U character-1 <...character-n>>

Required Argument

specifies the line of printed text. It can contain only the following characters:
. - + , = * $ / _ ( ) > < | & ' ? ! ; # ¬ " % @ blank

The not symbol (¬) can also appear as either a hat ( ˆ ) or a tilde (~) depending on your keyboard. PROC EXPLODE ignores lowercase characters.

The EXPLODE procedure reproduces horizontal spacing as it appears in the program, except for column 1, which is reserved for the spacing-control option.
Restriction: text can begin in any column except the first.


To do this Use this option
Control vertical spacing Sn or spacing-control
Control the text density

Specify dark characters D

Specify light characters L
Underline text U
Begin a new page P

D | L
controls the density of printed characters. Specify D to produce dark characters that are formed by overprinting the characters H, T, and Q. Specify L to produce light characters that are formed of asterisks.
Default: L initially, then for each line of text the value is carried over from the previous line if you do not specify a value.
Requirement: Must appear in column 1, and must be the only character on that line.
Requirement: To produce overprinting, the SAS system option OVP must be in effect, and your printer must support overprinting.
Featured in: Darkening and Underlining Text

See D | L.

See Sn | P.

Sn | P
controls the amount of space before the next line of text.

skips n lines before the next line of text.
Range: 1-9
See also: spacing-control
Featured in: Controlling Spacing

begins a new page before the next line of text.
Featured in: Darkening and Underlining Text

Default: 0
Requirement: Must begin in column 1 and must be the only characters(s) on that line.

specifies the number of lines to skip before the next line of text.
Default: 0
Range: 1-9
Requirement: Must appear in column 1.
Restriction: Spacing control does not work at the top of the page.
See also: Sn option

<U character-1 <...character-n>>
underlines the text on the previous line with asterisks. The character values can be anything. The nonblank characters determine where the underline appears. PROC EXPLODE skips two lines before printing the underline.
Featured in: Darkening and Underlining Text

Chapter Contents



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