The data set HYPNOSIS contains data for a study investigating whether hypnosis has the same effect on skin potential (measured in millivolts) for four emotions. (Lehmann 1975, 264). Eight subjects are asked to display fear, happiness (joy), depression (sadness), and calmness under hypnosis. The data are recorded as one observation per subject for each emotion.
options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80;

data hypnosis;
   length Emotion $ 10;
   input Subject Emotion $ SkinResponse @@;
1 fear 23.1  1 joy 22.7  1 sadness 22.5  1 calmness 22.6
2 fear 57.6  2 joy 53.2  2 sadness 53.7  2 calmness 53.1
3 fear 10.5  3 joy  9.7  3 sadness 10.8  3 calmness  8.3
4 fear 23.6  4 joy 19.6  4 sadness 21.1  4 calmness 21.6
5 fear 11.9  5 joy 13.8  5 sadness 13.7  5 calmness 13.3
6 fear 54.6  6 joy 47.1  6 sadness 39.2  6 calmness 37.0
7 fear 21.0  7 joy 13.6  7 sadness 13.7  7 calmness 14.8
8 fear 20.3  8 joy 23.6  8 sadness 16.3  8 calmness 14.8