The first line of this LINE statement writes the text in quotation marks, beginning in column 7. The second line writes the value of Salesmin with the DOLLAR7.2 format, beginning in the next column. The cursor then moves one column to the right (+1), where PROC REPORT writes the text in quotation marks. Again, the cursor moves one column to the right, and PROC REPORT writes the value of Salesmax with the DOLLAR7.2 format. (Note that the program must reference the variables by their aliases.) The third line writes the text in quotation marks, beginning in the next column. The pointer control (@) is designed for Listing output. It has no effect on HTML or Printer output. Do not use pointer controls if you are writing to the HTML or Printer destination.
      line @7 '| Departmental sales ranged from'
           salesmin dollar7.2  +1 'to' +1 salesmax dollar7.2
           '. |';
      line @7 53*'-';