This compute block creates a customized summary at the end of the report. The first LINE statement writes 57 hyphens (-) starting in column 4. Subsequent LINE statements write the quoted text in the specified columns and the values of the variables _C3_, _C4_, and _C5_ with the DOLLAR11.2 format. The pointer control (@) is designed for Listing output. It has no effect on the HTML or Printer output. Do not use pointer controls if you are writing to the HTML or Printer destination.
   compute after;
      line @4 57*'-';
      line @4 '|   Combined sales for meat and dairy : '
           @46 _c3_ dollar11.2 '   |';
      line @4 '|   Combined sales for produce : '
           @46 _c4_ dollar11.2 '   |';
      line @4 '|' @60 '|';
      line @4 '|   Combined sales for all perishables: '
           @46 _c5_ dollar11.2 '   |';
      line @4 57*'-';