Mental Stability Scale for Female Psychiatric Patients            1

                               The CORR Procedure

   7  Variables:    Age          Anxiety      Depression   Sleep        Sex     
                    Life         WeightChange                                   

                               Simple Statistics
       Variable               N          Mean       Std Dev           Sum

       Age                   23      37.91304       5.13378     872.00000
       Anxiety               23       2.34783       0.64728      54.00000
       Depression            23       1.95652       0.56232      45.00000
       Sleep                 23       1.86957       0.34435      43.00000
       Sex                   23       1.95652       0.20851      45.00000
       Life                  23       1.56522       0.50687      36.00000
       WeightChange          23       1.78261       3.06381      41.00000

                               Simple Statistics
       Variable           Minimum       Maximum    Label

       Age               30.00000      46.00000    age in years          
       Anxiety            1.00000       4.00000    anxiety level         
       Depression         1.00000       3.00000    depression level      
       Sleep              1.00000       2.00000    normal sleep (1=y 2=n)
       Sex                1.00000       2.00000    sexual (1=n 2=y)      
       Life               1.00000       2.00000    suicidal (1=n 2=y)    
       WeightChange      -2.60000       8.30000    recent weight change  

                           Cronbach Coefficient Alpha
                          Variables              Alpha
                          Raw                 0.627754
                          Standardized        0.845339

                Cronbach Coefficient Alpha with Deleted Variable
                          Raw Variables              Standardized Variables
  Deleted          Correlation                     Correlation
  Variable          with Total           Alpha      with Total           Alpha
  Age                 0.742614        0.557515        0.546856        0.832207

                Cronbach Coefficient Alpha with Deleted Variable
                     Variable        Label
                     Age             age in years          
             Mental Stability Scale for Female Psychiatric Patients            2

                               The CORR Procedure

                Cronbach Coefficient Alpha with Deleted Variable
                          Raw Variables              Standardized Variables
  Deleted          Correlation                     Correlation
  Variable          with Total           Alpha      with Total           Alpha
  Anxiety             0.577129        0.600944        0.590851        0.825643
  Depression          0.554983        0.608273        0.770956        0.797610
  Sleep               0.378930        0.630242        0.618367        0.821482
  Sex                 0.155115        0.642017        0.333368        0.862537
  Life                0.622207        0.607333        0.625338        0.820421
  WeightChange        0.843939        0.341006        0.749261        0.801087

                Cronbach Coefficient Alpha with Deleted Variable
                     Variable        Label
                     Anxiety         anxiety level         
                     Depression      depression level      
                     Sleep           normal sleep (1=y 2=n)
                     Sex             sexual (1=n 2=y)      
                     Life            suicidal (1=n 2=y)    
                     WeightChange    recent weight change