Taste Score For Number of Layers and Cake Flavor               1

                              The MEANS Procedure

                        Analysis Variable : TasteScore 
                Obs      Range     Median    Minimum    Maximum
                 13         22         80         72         94

                         Analysis Variable : TasteScore 
            Layers    Obs      Range     Median    Minimum    Maximum
                 1      8         19         82         75         94

                 2      5         20         75         72         92

                 3      0          .          .          .          .

                        Analysis Variable : TasteScore 
         Flavor        Obs      Range     Median    Minimum    Maximum
         Chocolate       8         20         81         72         92

         Vanilla         5         21         80         73         94

                        Analysis Variable : TasteScore 
    Flavor         Layers    Obs      Range     Median    Minimum    Maximum
    Chocolate           1      5          6         83         79         85

                        2      3         20         75         72         92

                        3      0          .          .          .          .

    Vanilla             1      3         19         80         75         94

                        2      2         14         80         73         87

                        3      0          .          .          .          .