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Chapter Contents
The LIFETEST Procedure

Output Data Sets


The OUTSURV= option in the LIFETEST statement creates an output data set containing survival estimates. It contains

If the estimation uses the product-limit method, then the data set also contains

If the estimation uses the life table method, then the data set also contains

Each survival function contains an initial observation with the value 1 for the SDF and the value 0 for the time. The output data set contains an observation for each distinct failure time if the product-limit method is used or an observation for each time interval if the life table method is used. The product-limit survival estimates are defined to be right continuous; that is, the estimates at a given time include the factor for the failure events that occur at that time.

Labels are assigned to all the variables in the output data set except the BY variable and the STRATA variable.


The OUTTEST= option in the LIFETEST statement creates an output data set containing the rank statistics for testing the association of failure time with covariates. It contains

The output is in the form of a symmetric matrix formed by the covariance matrix of the rank statistics bordered by the rank statistics and the overall chi-square statistic. If the value of _NAME_ is the name of a variable in the TEST statement, the observation contains a row of the covariance matrix and the value of the rank statistic in the time variable. If the value of _NAME_ is the name of the TIME variable, the observation contains the values of the rank statistics in the variables from the TEST list and the value of the overall chi-square test statistic in the TIME variable.

Two complete sets of statistics labeled by the _TYPE_ variable are produced, one for the log-rank test and one for the Wilcoxon test.

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Chapter Contents

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