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The MULTTEST Procedure

Missing Values

If a CLASS or STRATA variable has a missing value, then PROC MULTTEST removes that observation from the analysis.

When there are missing values for test variables, the within group-and-stratum sample sizes may differ from variable to variable. In most cases this is not a problem; however, it is possible for all data to be missing for a particular group within a particular stratum. For continuous variables and Freeman-Tukey tests, PROC MULTTEST recenters the trend scores within strata where all data for a particular group are missing. The Cochran-Armitage and Peto tests are unaffected by this situation.

PROC MULTTEST uses missing values for resampling if they exist in the original data set. If all variables have missing values for any observation, then PROC MULTTEST removes it prior to resampling. Otherwise, PROC MULTTEST treats all missing values as ordinary observations in the resampling. This means that different resampled data sets can have different group sizes. In some cases it means that a resampled data set can have all missing values for a particular variable in a particular group/stratum combination, even when values exist for that combination in the original data. For this reason, PROC MULTTEST recomputes all quantities within each pseudo-data set, including such items as centered scoring coefficients and degrees of freedom for p-values.

While PROC MULTTEST does provide analyses in missing value cases, you should not feel that it completely solves the missing value problem. If you are concerned about the adverse effects of missing data on a particular analysis, you should consider using imputation and sensitivity analyses to assess the effects of the missing data.

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