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The RSREG Procedure

Introduction to Response Surface Experiments

Many industrial experiments are conducted to discover which values of given factor variables optimize a response. If each factor is measured at three or more values, a quadratic response surface can be estimated by least-squares regression. The predicted optimal value can be found from the estimated surface if the surface is shaped like a simple hill or a valley. If the estimated surface is more complicated, or if the predicted optimum is far from the region of experimentation, then the shape of the surface can be analyzed to indicate the directions in which new experiments should be performed.

Suppose that a response variable y is measured at combinations of values of two factor variables, x1 and x2. The quadratic response-surface model for this variable is written as

y & = & \beta_0
 + \beta_1 x_1
 + \beta_2 x_2
 + \beta_3 x_1^2
 + \beta_4 x_2^2
 + \beta_5 x_1 x_2 + \epsilon
The steps in the analysis for such data are
  1. model fitting and analysis of variance to estimate parameters
  2. canonical analysis to investigate the shape of the predicted response surface
  3. ridge analysis to search for the region of optimum response

Model Fitting and Analysis of Variance

The first task in analyzing the response surface is to estimate the parameters of the model by least-squares regression and to obtain information about the fit in the form of an analysis of variance. The estimated surface is typically curved: a "hill" whose peak occurs at the unique estimated point of maximum response, a "valley," or a "saddle-surface" with no unique minimum or maximum. Use the results of this phase of the analysis to answer the following questions:

Lack-of-Fit Test

The test for lack-of-fit compares the variation around the model with "pure" variation within replicated observations. This measures the adequacy of the quadratic response surface model. In particular, if there are ni replicated observations Yi1, ... ,Yini of the response all at the same values xi of the factors, then we can predict the true response at xi either by using the predicted value \hat{Y}_i based on the model or by using the mean \bar{Y}_i of the replicated values. The test for lack-of-fit decomposes the residual error into a component due to the variation of the replications around their mean value (the "pure" error), and a component due to the variation of the mean values around the model prediction (the "bias" error):
\sum_i \sum_{j=1}^{n_i} ( Y_{ij} - \hat{Y}_i )^2
 & = & \sum_i \sum_{j=1}^{n_i} ( Y_{ij} - \bar{Y}_i )^2
 + \sum_i n_i( \bar{Y}_i - \hat{Y}_i )^2
If the model is adequate, then both components estimate the nominal level of error; however, if the bias component of error is much larger than the pure error, then this constitutes evidence that there is significant lack of fit.

If some observations in your design are replicated, you can test for lack of fit by specifying the LACKFIT option in the MODEL statement. Note that, since all other tests use total error rather than pure error, you may want to hand-calculate the tests with respect to pure error if the lack-of-fit is significant. On the other hand, significant lack-of-fit indicates the quadratic model is inadequate, so if this is a problem you can also try to refine the model, possibly using PROC GLM for general polynomial modeling; refer to Chapter 30, "The GLM Procedure," for more information. Example 56.1 illustrates the use of the LACKFIT option.

Canonical Analysis

The second task in analyzing the response surface is to examine the overall shape of the curve and determine whether the estimated stationary point is a maximum, a minimum, or a saddle point. The canonical analysis can be used to answer the following questions:

The eigenvalues and eigenvectors in the matrix of second-order parameters characterize the shape of the response surface. The eigenvectors point in the directions of principle orientation for the surface, and the signs and magnitudes of the associated eigenvalues give the shape of the surface in these directions. Positive eigenvalues indicate directions of upward curvature, and negative eigenvalues indicate directions of downward curvature. The larger an eigenvalue is in absolute value, the more pronounced is the curvature of the response surface in the associated direction. Often, all of the coefficients of an eigenvector except for one are relatively small, indicating that the vector points roughly along the axis associated with the factor corresponding to the single large coefficient. In this case, the canonical analysis can be used to determine the relative sensitivity of the predicted response surface to variations in that factor. (See the "Getting Started" section for an example.)

Ridge Analysis

If the estimated surface is found to have a simple optimum well within the range of experimentation, the analysis performed by the preceding two steps may be sufficient. In more complicated situations, further search for the region of optimum response is required. The method of ridge analysis computes the estimated ridge of optimum response for increasing radii from the center of the original design. The ridge analysis answers the following question: You can use the RIDGE statement to compute the ridge of maximum or minimum response.

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