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PPS Systematic Sampling

If you specify the option METHOD=PPS_SYS, PROC SURVEYSELECT selects units by systematic random sampling with probability proportional to size. Systematic sampling selects units at a fixed interval throughout the stratum or sampling frame after a random start. PROC SURVEYSELECT chooses the first unit randomly from the entire stratum with probability proportional to size and then treats the stratum observations as a closed loop. This is done to obtain an unbiased variance estimator, as suggested by Lahiri (Murthy 1967). PROC SURVEYSELECT uses a fractional interval to provide exactly the specified sample size. The interval equals Mh · / nh for stratified sampling and M / n for sampling without stratification. Depending on the sample size and the values of the size measures, it may be possible for a unit to be selected more than once. The expected number of selections or hits for unit i in stratum h equals nh Mhi/Mh · = nh Zhi . Refer to Cochran (1977, pp. 265 -266) and Madow (1949).

Systematic random sampling controls the distribution of the sample by spreading it throughout the sampling frame or stratum at equal intervals, thus providing implicit stratification. You can use the CONTROL statement to order the input data set by the CONTROL variables before sample selection. If you also use a STRATA statement, PROC SURVEYSELECT sorts by the CONTROL variables within strata. If you do not specify a CONTROL statement, PROC SURVEYSELECT applies systematic selection to the observations in the order in which they appear in the input data set.

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