APCS 2015 Catalogue

VIFF 2015 Reviews

Film by SCA Film students and alumni at the Vancouver International Film Festival

Students and alumni of SCA’s BFA in Film are always well represented at VIFF as well as other Canadian and international festivals. 2015 may be SCA Film’s strongest showing yet, including:

- Frank and the Wondercat, feature documentary by alumni Tony Massil and Pablo Alvarez-Mesa.
- Haida Gwaii: On the Edge of the World, feature documentary by alumnus Charles Wilkinson
- Lifeguard, by alumni Will Ross and Devan Scott
- My Favorite Summer, fiction short by alumna Liz Cairns
- My Good Man's Gone, fiction feature by alumnus Nick Citton
- Never Steady, Never Still, fiction short by alumni Kathleen Hepburn and Tyler Hagan (producer).
- Ocean Falls, documentary short by current students Ryan Ermancora and Jessica Johnson.
- Penny's for Tea, fiction short by alumni Sophie Jarvis and Kane Stewart 

Read more: SFU Filmmakers Shine in Viff Shorts - The Peak

Student Reviews

Ocean Falls Ryan Ermacora and Jessica Johnson (Canada, 2015, 15:00), by Michelle Martin (PDF)
Ocean Falls Ryan Ermacora and Jessica Johnson (Canada, 2015, 15:00), by Robin Dalla-Vicenza (PDF)
Ocean Falls Ryan Ermacora and Jessica Johnson (Canada, 2015, 15:00), by Suzanne Friesen (PDF)

Frank and the Wondercat Tony Massil and Pablo Alvarez­ Mesa (Canada, 2015, 67:00), by Marcella Scaglione (PDF)
Frank and the Wondercat Tony Massil and Pablo Alvarez­ Mesa (Canada, 2015, 67:00), by Ryan Ermacora (PDF)
Never Steady, Never Still Kathleen Hepburn (Canada, 2015, 19:00), by Kellen Jackson (PDF)
