January 19th, 2011



This presentation is based on a case study paper that has been accepted for CHI 2011. We provide insights for artists, designers, and technologists working with social media in the domain of public art. In addition to discussing our recent public artwork the Talking Poles, we explore the adaptation of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) design methods for the project. Community-generated public art has a direct relationship to the field of HCI through the technology that underlies both social computing and quotidian digital documentation. We will also discuss the importance of reciprocity and the feedback loop when artists, designers and researchers collaborate in community-engaged projects. By framing the 'social' as a component of public art, a discussion is opened up on the preservation of the work as representative of an emergent and shared digital world culture.


Both Vicki Mulder and Lorna Boschman are graduate students in the SIAT PhD program.

Some Background Information...

The Talking Poles: Public Art based in Citizen Design.

Vicki Moulder and Lorna Boschman




SIAT Graduate Research Colloquium

Wednesday January 19th

2:30 pm

Surrey 5380