January 11th, 2012



Real-time composition is the act of composing during a performance. Unlike improvisation, it involves the design of complex interactions between musical agents that are beyond direct control of the performer/composer (and thus not performance instruments). They are a subclass of interactive musical systems, specifically a genre of interactive composition systems that share compositional control between composer and system. Designing the complexity of interactions between agents is a compositional act, and its outcomes are realized during performance: more so than most interactive systems, the new performance ecosystem is compositional in nature.


ARNE EIGENFELDT - Arne Eigenfeldt is a composer of acoustic and electroacoustic music, and is an active software designer. His music has been performed throughout the world, and his research in intelligent music systems has been published and presented in international conferences. He teaches music and technology at SFU's School for the Contemporary Arts, and is currently the FCAT Visiting Faculty member from SCA to SIAT.

Arne Eigenfeldt's Website

Some Background Information...

"Real-time Composition"

Arne Eigenfeldt


SIAT Graduate Research Colloquium

Wednesday January 25th

2:30 pm

Surrey 5380