Wendy Chan

Professor of Sociology, Department Chair
Sociology & Anthropology


Wendy Chan is interested in the intersections of gender, race and class differences in the context of the criminal justice system, mainstream media, immigration and welfare systems. Her past projects have examined the criminalization of marginalized groups in Canada, focusing specifically on the ideological underpinnings of their treatment by social institutions and the state.


PhD (Criminology) University of Cambridge
MPhil (Criminology) University of Cambridge
MA (Socio-Legal Studies) University of Sheffield
BA, Honours (Law and English Literature) Carleton University 

Areas of Interest

Race, racialization and criminal justice; immigration policies, enforcement and control; welfare, poverty and social exclusion; criminalization of poverty; violence against women; domestic homicides; feminist and critical criminology

Select Publications


Awards & Funding

  • 2022 - 2025 Chairs and Directors Research Grant, Principal Investigator                
    “Birth Tourism, Birthright Citizenship and the Socio-Legal Regulation of the Pregnant, Immigrant Women"

Currently Teaching

Summer 2025

Future courses may be subject to change.