
The snipe were floating continually in the air over the reeds. Their whirring wings close to the earth, and their harsh cries high in the air, could be heard on all sides; the snipe that had risen first and flown up into the air settled again before the sportsmen. Instead of two hawks there were now dozens of them hovering with shrill cries over the marsh.

Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina, The Modern Library, New York, 1965, p.611.

PLACE: Levin's country estate.

TIME: between 1870 and 1880

CIRCUMSTANCE: A hunt for grouse and snipe in the marsh.



His ears were filled with the incessant hum in various notes, now the busy hum of the working bee flying quickly off, then the blaring of the lazy drone, and the excited buzz of the bees on guard protecting their property from the enemy and preparing to sting.

Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina, The Modern Library, New York, 1965, p.837.

PLACE: Levin's country estate.

TIME: between 1870 and 1880

CIRCUMSTANCE: Levin in his bee hives.



On every side, behind and before, as far as the ear could reach in every direction there was the rumble of wheels, the rattle of carts, of waggons, and of gun-carriages, the tramp of horses, the crack of whips, the shouts of drivers, the swearing of soldiers, of orderlies, and officers.

Leo Tolstoy,War and Peace, William Heinemann Ltd., London, 1971, p.174.

PLACE: Esseldorf, Austria

TIME: 1805

CIRCUMSTANCES: Describes retreating Russian troops during Napoleon's campaigns in Austria, when Russians fought alongside the Austrians.



On all sides they heard the footsteps and the chatter of the infantry going and coming and settling themselves round them. The sounds of voices, of steps, and of horses' hoofs tramping in the mud, the crackling firewood far and near, all melted into one fluctuating roar of sound.

Leo Tolstoy,War and Peace, William Heinemann Ltd., London, 1971, p.208.

PLACE: Austria

TIME: 1805

CIRCUMSTANCE: Sounds of the Russian army - camping for the night - in retreat from the French.



Like a wind passing over the leaves, the excited whisper fluttered over the plain: 'They are coming! they are coming!' There was a sound of frightened voices, and the hurried men's fuss over the last finishing touches ran like a wave over the troops.

Leo Tolstoy,War and Peace, William Heinemann Ltd., London, 1971, p.260.

PLACE: Olmutz, Austria

TIME: Nov. 13, 1805

CIRCUMSTANCE: Inspection of Russian troops by the Russian and Austrian Emperors. Alexander (Russia) and Francis (Austria)



In the deathlike stillness, the only sound was the tramp of hoofs. It was the Emperors' suite. The Emperors rode towards the flank, and the trumpets of the first cavalry regiment began playing a march. It seemed as though the sound did not come from the trumpeters, but that the army itself was naturally giving forth this music in its delight at the Emperors' approach. Through the music could be distinctly heard one voice, the genial, youthful voice of the Emperor Alexander. He uttered some words of greeting, and the first regiment boomed out: 'Hurrah!' with a shout so deafening, so prolonged, so joyful, that the men themselves felt awestruck at the multitude and force of the mass they made up.

Leo Tolstoy,War and Peace, William Heinemann Ltd., London, 1971, p.260.

PLACE: Olmutz, Austria

TIME: Nov. 13, 1805

CIRCUMSTANCE: Inspection of Russian troops by the Russian and Austrian Emperors.
