
....Portagee went to the upturned umiak and struck the tight sealskin sharply. It resounded in the darkness like a huge drum.

James Houston, The White Dawn, Longmans Canada Ltd., 1971, p. 64.

TIME: mid 20th century

PLACE: the Arctic

CIRCUMSTANCE: survivors of a whaling boat accident ashore in the world of the Eskimo.



....we heard the dogs begin their slow moaning, a sound they made only for a bear...

James Houston, The White Dawn, Longmans Canada Ltd., 1971, p.76.

TIME: mid 20th century

PLACE: the Arctic

CIRCUMSTANCE: survivors of a whaling boat accident ashore in the land of the Eskimo.



I have never heard a man utter a sound as terrible as that which Sarak then forced up from the depth of his belly. It was a roar that had in it the sharp cracking of whips and the breaking of bones.

James Houston, The White Dawn, Longmans Canada Ltd., 1971, p.71.

TIME: mid 20th century

PLACE: the Arctic

CIRCUMSTANCE: survivors of a whaling boat accident ashore in the world of the Eskimo.



I heard Kangiak's voice boom over the snow exactly like the deep voice of Sarkak as it called "Aauuu! Stop!" to halt a team of dogs. The sound rose from his belly with such power that many people took a step backward.

James Houston, The White Dawn, Longmans Canada Ltd.,1971, p.103.

TIME: mid 20th century

PLACE: the Arctic

CIRCUMSTANCE: survivors of a whaling boat accident ashore in the world of the Eskimo
