
The machines were switching into one of their rinsing cycles, whirling the clothes around faster and faster; then there was more running water, and more churning and sloshing.

Margaret Atwood, The Edible Woman, McClelland and Stewart Ltd., Toronto & Montreal, 1969, p. 96.

TIME: 1960's

PLACE: Toronto

CIRCUMSTANCE: a bit of local sound reportage in the laundromat



The second-hand on the clock was sweeping around, accompanied by the ticking of typewriters and the click-clack of high-heeled shoes on the hard floor.

Margaret Atwood, The Edible Woman, McClelland and Stewart Ltd., Toronto & Montreal, 1969, p.115.

TIME: 1960's

PLACE: Toronto

CIRCUMSTANCE: a large office.



... all was quiet except for the rustling of the grass and the chirping of several mechanical crickets. Close beside her, to the left, she heard a small cracking noise, then the sound of something hard hitting the floor. A gun went off, there was a struggle, and it was day. She heard the cracking noise again.

.... Every half-minute or so he would lift his hand to his mouth from a bag he was holding in his other hand, and there would be the small crack and then the sound from the floor, he must be eating something with shells, but they weren't peanuts. That would make a softer noise.

.... He seemed enhanced by the screen, almost totally absorbed in it, and in whatever he was eating - what could possibly make that exasperating thin cracking sound? - and he might not notice her if she kept quite still... At her side the cracking went on, irritatingly regular.

.... The sound-track exploded, spattering the air with yelps and whoops,of a band of Indians swept from their hiding-place for the attack. After they had been demolished and listening was possible again she could no longer hear the small clock-like sound he had been making.

Margaret Atwood, The Edible Woman, McClelland and Stewart Ltd., Toronto & Montreal, 1969, p.124-125.

TIME: 1960's

PLACE: Toronto

CIRCUMSTANCE: during a cheap Western someone is eating pumpkin seeds.
