
As we looked shoreward the air became filled with a rumbling, booming noise, and bumping down a hillside chute there shot into sight another log...the water shot up in lofty jets and sunlit spray, as the log dived to join its fellows in the sea.

M. Allendale Grainger,Woodsmen of the West, Toronto, 1964, p. 66.

TIME: 20th c.

PLACE: The Canadian West



Carter did not see me, and I watched him as he worked furiously ... His muscles sprang at every swift movement. He whipped his axe into the log he was cutting - chop-chop-cbop-chop - the hurried working against time, not the leisurely chop that you may hear from a man felling timber. His breath was making the noise that hammermen affect - hiss, hiss, hiss - loud and sharp between each dip of the axe.

M. Allendale Grainger,Woodsmen of the West, Toronto, 1964, p. 67.

TIME: 20th c.

PLACE: The Canadian West



What is it, I wonder, that starts one listening, all of a sudden, during night-time in the woods?...The noises of the world burst upon me with sudden loudness. I held my breath, straining to hear above the noise of throbbing in my ears. How absurd, I remarked, that one's own effort to hear should spoil one's hearing! At my self-conscious snigger the throbbing stopped. Then I could hear the rushing sough of the waves out in the open inlet, and the occasional crash of the sea-swell against the rocks down behind my fire, and the gentle roaring of the creek in its narrow valley. There was a queer note that rose above the other noises, a sort of whir-o-o--o--o---o-ing and whistling in the tall trees. It seemed interesting to try and coin a word to describe the noise - noise of the dead Siwashes, I said. For forgotten generations lay boxed in every cavity among the rocks around me; and the Old Village had been avoided by the living this hundred years or more. I wondered why? I wondered, would that ghostly shrieking scare a Siwash?

M. Allendale Grainger,Woodsmen of the West, Toronto, 1964, p.125.

TIME: 20th c.

PLACE: British Columbia forests
