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Education | Faculty of Education Simon Fraser University Calendar | Spring 2025

Arts Education

Master of Education

The master of education (MEd) is a professional degree signifying advanced knowledge about and advanced training in educational practice. This program is for students who wish to continue developing critical knowledge of arts theory and practice related to education, program development, and learning and teaching, and is suitable for those working in schools and other arts-based contexts.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must satisfy the University admission requirements as stated in Graduate General Regulations 1.3 in the SFU Calendar. In exceptional circumstances, applicants who do not meet these requirements may be considered if superior scholarly or professional achievement is demonstrated.

Admission is granted to a specific degree and to a particular program or specialization. Application information is available from the Faculty of Education.

Program Requirements

This program consists of courses and a comprehensive examination for a minimum of 35 units.

Students complete all of

EDUC 843 - Embodiment and Curriculum Inquiry (5)

The scholarship on embodiment and its implications for the body as a site for knowledge and its relationship to contemporary curriculum inquiry will be studied with specific emphasis on the area of performative and narrative inquiry and arts education. Central to this course will be the investigation of embodiment from both a philosophical perspective and a literary/poetic perspective. Equivalent Courses: EDUC712.

EDUC 848 - Ideas and Issues in Aesthetic Education (5)

This course relates critical ideas in aesthetics to questions concerning the nature, purpose, and provision of the arts (visual art, music, drama, dance, literature) in education.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
G001 Ching-Chiu Lin
Jan 6 – Apr 9, 2025: Tue, 4:30–9:20 p.m.
EDUC 849 - Artists, Society and Arts Education (5)

A major survey of the educational theories and practices of musicians and artists generally from medieval times to the present. The special focus will be on modern responses of musicians and artists to modern demands for mass arts education. Material will be drawn from Europe, North America, Asia, and other parts of the world where mass arts education provision occurs.

EDUC 852 - Inquiry, Creativity and Community: Drama in Education (5)

This course involves an exploration of basic issues and questions which underlie the nature and provision of drama education in the schools. It includes a critical examination of the claims made in the theoretical literature regarding the nature and aims of drama education and an exploration of the implications for drama education curriculum and pedagogy. Equivalent Courses: EDUC721.

EDUC 868 - Curriculum Theory and Art Education (5)

The course examines and relates conceptions of creativity and response in the visual arts to the fundamental questions of curriculum theory.

EDUC 869 - Music Education as Thinking in Sound (5)

This course presents the theory and practice of music education based on theories of auditory perception, musical theory, and various cross-cultural perspectives on musical behavior.

and a comprehensive examination

EDUC 883 - MEd Comprehensive Examination (5)

The examination is graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
G001 TBD
G002 TBD
G031 Roumi Ilieva

The comprehensive examination normally occurs in the term in which course requirements are completed or in the term immediately following. The examination is set by faculty members associated with the program and in association with the graduate director.

Program Length

Students are expected to complete the program requirements within six terms.

Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations

All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the Graduate General Regulations, as well as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled.