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The EdD programs are designed for educators who work full-time.
Admission Requirements
Applicants must satisfy the university admission requirements as stated in Graduate General Regulations 1.3 in the SFU Calendar. In exceptional circumstances, applicants who do not meet these requirements may be considered if superior scholarly or professional achievement is demonstrated.
Admission is granted to a specific degree and to a particular program or specialization. Updated application information is available from the Faculty of Education.
Program Requirements
This program consists of required courses, designated courses, a comprehensive examination and a thesis for a minimum of 48 units.
Students must complete
The broad paradigms encompassing much current educational research are examined, with emphasis on their philosophical and assumptional bases, as well as general ethical and methodological issues. Particular attention is paid to the critical reading of research and the implications for educational leadership. In addition, students begin to identify a research topic and to develop a defensible research orientation.
and three 5 unit graduate courses designated by the specific EdD faculty team that is responsible for program focus, design, teaching and supervision (these courses will vary depending on program focus)
and a comprehensive examination
and a thesis
The comprehensive examination is normally completed in the term in which course requirements are completed, or the term immediately following. A major part of this program is original research. A thesis describing this is submitted and defended. Normally, before the fourth course, a thesis research plan is presented to the supervisory committee. Upon entry to the program, students enroll in EDUC 899 every term.
Educational Leadership
This EdD program looks beyond educational leadership as the application of generic management techniques. It prepares leaders for situations where technique is insufficient and prepares educational leaders to deal with currently pressing issues and to understand deeper ethical, political, socio-cultural, technological and educational matters.
Designated Courses
This seminar examines the ethical and legal environment of professional leadership. Specifically, the course addresses moral issues and dilemmas embedded in professional practice including occupational and ordinary morality, issues of deception and honesty, informed consent, privacy and confidentiality, conflict of interest, individual and collective responsibility, inter alia. The course will use cases and personal experience as heuristics for learning.
The nature and impact of recent wide-ranging systemic educational reform in several different countries are critically examined, through two major themes. One theme is the politics and dynamics of governance, with a particular emphasis on participatory forms of political life in a heterogeneous society. The other theme is the politics and culture of difference, and the development of community which respects these differences.
The special responsibilities of leaders in educational institutions for accountability both to learners and to the wider community with respect to policies, practices and programs are the focus of this seminar. Contemporary approaches to program assessment and to ensuring cost-effectiveness in educational management are applied to cases emerging from student experience.
Doctorat en leadership éducationnel (EdD)
Le programme de Doctorat en leadership éducationnel (EdD) est conçu spécialement pour former des chefs de file parmi les personnes qui travaillent ou planifient de travailler dans le domaine de l’éducation (écoles, collèges et centres de formation) ou dans d’autres services publics ou parapublics (santé, services sociaux, services communautaires, fonction publique, ONG, agences de développement, organismes culturels, etc.).
Cours Obligatoires
- EDUC 960-5 Quelques enjeux éthiques, juridiques et politiques dans la gestion de la diversité
- EDUC 961-5 Gouvernance éducationnelle et discours sur les réformes sociales
- EDUC 962-5 Leadership, imputabilité et l'intérêt public
Programme EdD en Français: Programme de Doctorat Education en leadership éducationnel (EdD),
Program Length
Students are expected to complete the program requirements within 18 terms.
Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations
All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the Graduate General Regulations, as well as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled.