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Education | Faculty of Education Simon Fraser University Calendar | Spring 2025

Languages, Cultures and Literacies

Doctor of Philosophy

Doctor of philosophy (PhD) degrees signify the acquisition of advanced knowledge in a field of specialization and advanced competence in conducting significant and original education research. This program offers educators and researchers the opportunity to focus on the cultural and linguistic diversity that characterizes contemporary classrooms. The program provides opportunities for students to participate in ongoing research and ultimately to conduct their own research regarding how diversity might be recognized, strengthened and taken as a resource in public education. Courses offer a range of opportunities to question meanings and practices of social difference including those based on race, gender, language, class, and sexuality.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must satisfy the University admission requirements as stated in Graduate General Regulations 1.3 in the SFU Calendar. In exceptional circumstances, applicants who do not meet these requirements may be considered if superior scholarly or professional achievement is demonstrated. In some cases, students may be required to take an additional methodology course as part of the conditions of their admission.

Admission is granted to a specific degree and to a particular program or specialization. Application information is available from the Faculty of Education.

Program Requirements

This program consists of courses, a comprehensive examination and a thesis for a minimum of 41 units. Students are welcome to complete other courses in the Faculty of Education and throughout the University, in consultation with their supervisor.

Students must complete

EDUC 923 - Critical and Sociocultural Approaches to Educational Research (3)

Participants will discuss methodological approaches in sociolinguistic research in educational and other social contexts. Course instructors will introduce a range of sociolinguistic research following different methodologies, as well as presenting their own research. Participants will be involved in discussions and analysis in three areas: analysis of data from instructors' research; applicability of methodologies in participants' own social and educational contexts; relevance and applicability of methodologies in terms of participants' emerging research plans.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
G001 Robyn Ilten-Gee
Jan 6 – Apr 9, 2025: Wed, 9:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m.
EDUC 924 - Multilingualism, Globalization, and Identities (3)

The course will introduce students to theoretical perspectives and developments in the fields of multilingualism, globalization, and identity constructions and examine how interplays between these cultural processes and practices impact upon language learning and teaching in educational and social contexts in which course participants teach and/or have lived.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
G001 Roumi Ilieva
Jan 6 – Jan 15, 2025: Wed, 1:00–3:50 p.m.
Jan 22 – Apr 9, 2025: Wed, 1:00–3:50 p.m.
EDUC 925 - Multiliteracies and Multimodalities (3)

Students will explore current theory, practice and research in multiliteracies and multimodality in formal and informal education contexts. Through the lenses of critical pedagogies, cultures and diversity, the course examines a range of topics including globalization, digital literacies, adult and community literacies, the multimodalities of youth and maker cultures and implications for pedagogies inside and outside of schools. Participants will also engage in field studies designed to critically engage theory and method in authentic settings.

EDUC 926 - Ethnographic and Multimodal Approaches to Educational Research (3)

This seminar is designed for the second term of the doctoral program in Languages, Cultures, and Literacies in the Faculty of Education. It will provide students with opportunities to examine and practice analytical research procedures that are currently in the forefront of multiliteracies and multimodal research oriented to transformative educational scholarship.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
G001 Magally Constant
EDUC 927 - Doctoral Seminar A (3) *

The Doctoral Seminar A initiates students in the development of an ongoing writing portfolio, writing SSHRC applications, ethics protocols and theses proposals. This provides a forum for second year students to present their theses proposals. Portfolios will be presented during the term. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

EDUC 928 - Doctoral Seminar B (3) *

In Doctoral Seminar B the goal is to continue to build a scholarly writing portfolio, including preparation for comprehensive examinations, writing conference proposals, participating in local, national and international graduate student collaborations, and preparing conference presentations. Portfolios will be presented during the term. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
G001 Steve Marshall
Jan 30, 2025: Thu, 4:30–7:20 p.m.
Feb 27, 2025: Thu, 4:30–7:20 p.m.
Mar 27, 2025: Thu, 4:30–7:20 p.m.

and a comprehensive examination

EDUC 983 - Doctoral Comprehensive Examination (5)

The examination is graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
G001 TBD
G002 TBD
G031 TBD

and a thesis

EDUC 899 - Doctoral Thesis (18)

Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.

Section Instructor Day/Time Location
G001 TBD
G002 TBD
G031 TBD
G032 TBD
G033 TBD

The comprehensive examination is normally completed in the term in which course requirements are completed, or the term immediately following. The comprehensive examination is completed as a written and oral examination submitted to the committee. Questions for the comprehensive examination will be posted at the beginning of the students' program. A major part of this program is original research. A thesis describing this is submitted and defended.

* Students in their second year will be expected to enroll in EDUC 927 or EDUC 928, whichever was not completed in Year 1.

Program Length

Students are expected to complete the program requirements within 18 terms.

Academic Requirements within the Graduate General Regulations

All graduate students must satisfy the academic requirements that are specified in the Graduate General Regulations, as well as the specific requirements for the program in which they are enrolled.