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Professional Practices
This certificate trains either qualified teachers who are new to Canada or previously credentialed Canadian teachers by upgrading skills to current practices.
By completion of appropriate education courses and opportunities for guided practice, the student will: learn contextual perspectives on teaching in BC; become acquainted with contemporary school practices; and develop practical skills to the Teacher Regulation Branch standards.
Admission Requirements
Students must be admitted to the Professional Qualification Program teacher education module to qualify for the certificate.
Minimum Grade Requirement
Students must achieve a minimum 2.0 grade point average, calculated on all Simon Fraser University courses applied to the program, with the exception that duplicate courses are counted only once.
Program Requirements
Professional Qualification Program
Upper Division Requirements
In addition, students complete an additional three upper division EDUC courses (12 units).
Residency Requirements and Transfer Credit
- At least half of the program's total units must be earned through Simon Fraser University study.
- At least two thirds of the program's total upper division units must be earned through Simon Fraser University study.