Walk 21 XII

October 03-05, 2011

October 03 - Introductions
October 03 - Vancouver, A Walking Passion Story
October 03 - Walking Places, Healthy Places
October 03 - Learn Now, Learn Fast
October 03 - Shapeshifters Anonymous
October 03 - Shape Making and Shapeshifting
October 04 - Walking Steps Up
October 04 - Why Here, Why Now, Why Walk?
October 04 - Pecha Kucha Sampler
October 04 - Learn Now, Learn Fast
October 04 - The Magic of Messing it Up
October 04 - From Smart Growth to Smart Cities
October 05 - From Ecology to Energy
October 05 - Earthquakes, Ethos and Walkability
October 05 - The Pedestrian Portfolio
October 05 - Conclusions