
Plenary Speakers:

Dr. Shafik Dharamsi, Centre for International Health

Dr. Michael Seear, UBC Department of Pediatrics, BC Children’s Hospital

Sherri Brown, PhD Candidate, SFU.

Jackie Sherris, PhD, Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) Seattle

Steve Gloyd, UW, Director, International Health Program; Executive Director, Health Alliance International

Ed Mills, PhD, LLM, Assistant Professor, SFU Faculty of Health Sciences

Shafik Dharamsi, UBC Centre for International Health

Environment, Health and Climate Change

       Session 2A: Environmental Change, Globalization and the Humanitarian Aid

Tim Takaro, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences: Global disparities in vulnerability from climate change.

Miriam Palacios, Oxfam Canada: Compensation of developing countries for environmental consequences of climate change: Reflection on Oxfam’s campaign at the 2007 climate conference in Bali.

Gerardo Otero: SFU Latin American Studies: The Neo-Liberal Food Regime

       Session 5A: Emerging Issues in Environmental Health

Carl Lowenberger, SFU Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry: The effects of climate change on the transmission of emerging and re-emerging vector-borne diseases

Hasanat Alamgir: SFU/ Occupational Safety and Health Agency for Healthcare

Dr. Erica Frank: UBC Department of Health Care and Epidemiology: Physician Health and its Unique Role in Climate Change.

Not Forgotten: Invisible Populations and the MDGs

       Session 2C: Maternal Child Health and the MDGs: What’s left out?

Alison Moore, UW/Health Alliance International, Seattle: Improving Maternal and Newborn Health in Timor-Leste: Evaluation of Birth-Friendly Facilities.

Colleen Osterhaus, Health Alliance International, Seattle: Birth Friendly Facilities in East Timor: Responding to maternal and infant mortality

Judi Fairholm, Canadian Red Cross: Plan to Protect.

Amineh Ayyad: MPH, UW Department of Global Health. Besieged: Maternal Child Health in Palestine.

      Session 3A: Gender, Inequality and the MDGs

Charlene Phung, MPH Candidate, SFU: The Gender Gap and Global Health

Jackie Sherris: Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), Seattle: Violence against women and girls as a global public health crisis.

Maria-Cecilia Venzon: Lightcatchers: The Use of Performance-Based Teaching to Discuss Community Health Issues Examining and its Implications for Intimate Partner Violence.

       Session 3C: Global Problems; local realities: Lessons from BC populations

David Eby, Lawyer, Pivot Legal Society:. The DTES as a microcosm of global health and human rights.

Brandon Marshall, UBC HCEP /BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS: Contextual factors associated with an increased risk of HIV and STI transmission among a cohort of street-involved youth in Vancouver.

Vivian Josewski, RN, MPH, SFU: Aboriginal Mental Health Reform in the Interior Health.

Simon Davis, Grandview Medical Clinic: Meeting the health care needs of the mentally ill: (1) Priority populations and (2) Self neglect of medical care.

       Session 5C: What about the workers? Health human resources as an invisible population.

Alex Berland, Mid-Main Community Health Centre: What about the Workers? Nurse education for MDGs.

Julia Robinson, Health Alliance International, UW: Health care workers - a population essential to achieve the MDGs.

Kate Tairyan, PhD, UBC Health Care and Epidemiology: Health Sciences Online: globally democratizing health sciences knowledge.

Ali Palmer, MPH Candidate, SFU/BC Centre for Excellence, HIV/AIDS: The role of task-shifting in meeting critical global health needs.

Conflict and Human Rights in Global Health perspective:

        Session 2D: The Health of Conflict-affected populations

Jo O’Callaghan, Canadian Red Cross (Vancouver). Humanity in the War Zone

Shelagh Baird, UW Department of Global Health: Militarism and conflict: a critical barrier to global health

Dr. Ronald Lett, Canadian Network for International Surgery: Burden of injury during the complex political emergency in northern Uganda.

Judy McLean: UBC Faculty of Land and Food Systems: The enigma of protein deficiency in a fishing village near Lake Victoria - a case study of the complexities of malnutrition and the challenges to meeting MDGs 4 and 5.

       Session 3D: Reproductive Health and Human Rights

Dr. Wendy Johnson, UW:

Kelly Roulette: West Coast Women’s LEAF: Women’s Reproductive Rights in Canada: A Legal Perspective

Dr. Jan Christilaw: VP of Medicine, BC Women’s Hospital. Maternal Mortality and Reproductive Rights in the context of the MDGs: reflections on international work.

Miriam Palacios: Public Engagement Coordinator, Oxfam Canada: Critical tools to advance the MDGs: strong health care systems and responsiveness to women's health needs.

      Session 5D: Complication and Risk: HIV/AIDS and Conflict

Ed Mills, PhD, MSc, LLM. SFU Faculty of Health Sciences/TASO Uganda: Delivering HIV/AIDS care to conflict affected populations. Moving from denial to successes

James Pfeiffer, UW Department of Global Health/Health Alliance International: Integration of HIV/AIDS treatment into primary health care in Mozambique: A health system strengthening approach.

Dr. Zied Mhirsi: UW Department of Global Health: HIV in post conflict and emergency setting : An update from Sudan

Mental Health In Global Perspective

       Session 2B: Profiles of Risk: Addiction and HIV in special populations

Vicky Bungay:

MJ Maloy: Risk factors for HIV infection among Aboriginal people using a Supervised Injection Facility (SIF) in Vancouver, Canada

Robb Chauhan & Richard Utendale: Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VANDU): The Invisible Epidemic in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside.

       Session 3B: Mental Health and political conflict: Causes & consequences

Evan Kanter, Assistant Professor, UW Department of Psychiatry; VA of Puget Sound: Mental Health Consequences of War on Civilian Populations.

Brian Walker: M.Ed (Counselling Psych): Canadian Military & Veterans Transition Program.

Jeffrey Johnston, LL.B., M.St.(Law) - The Need for Minimum Standards in the Use of Diplomatic Assurances to Protect Against Torture.

Paul Rushton: MA (UPeace): Natural Killers: The Evolutionary Psychology of Suicide Violence.

       Session 5B: A Long Memory: the mental health needs of displaced populations.

Michael Seear: Assistant Professor, UBC; Pediatric Respirologist, BC Children’s Hospital. The mental health of children following a major disaster: what can an outsider offer?

Stephen Bezruchka: Population Health, UW; Clinical and international health: Societal Inequality and Mental Health.

Veronica Fynn, Independent Researcher/Consultant, BC Government: Psychological Interventions for War Affected Refugees in Africa.


(see clips of our movie presentations on our Films page)

Nino Pagliccia, Centre For International Health, UBC: ELAM and training global health workers in Cuba. (Following Salud! Documentary).

Matti per il calcio (Mad about Football): Documentary film about an innovative mental health program in Italy harnessing the nation’s love for soccer.

Sari’s Mother, an Academy Award-Nominated documentary by James Longley. An Iraqi mother searches for treatment for her HIV positive child during the war. 

Besieged: Documentary by Amineh Ayyad, one of our speakers, on health care in Palestine.

The Blood of YingZhou District: Award-winning documentary of a year in the life of children in the remote villages of Anhui Province, China, who have lost their parents to AIDS. Traditional obligations to family and village collide with terror of the disease.


Ian Fyffe: The Elderly in India: A Multidisciplinary Perspective

Mara Kardas-Nelson: Collaborating Communities: Community Based Approached to Talking About HIV/AIDS and Resource Access in a Marginalized Canadian Population.

Alisha Mills: Student-Led Community Health Project in the Indian Himalayas

Nathan O’Hara: Training for the treatment of Orthopaedic trauma: A collaborative Ugandan-Canadian pilot study

John Hu:    

Brandon Marshall:

(plus select other posters)

Also see the Keynote Speakers page.