Course Description

Lecture Outlines



SFU Library Catalogue

Web Resources

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simon fraser university - - political science department

This class is taught in 01-1 by Andrew Heard

POL - 221 Web Resources

General Resources for Issues Dealt with in POL - 221:

The SFU Library has a very useful page devoted to research material for POL-221 students.

The ITP Nelson PoliSci.Nelson.Com Political Science resource site has the following pages dedicated to Canadian Government & Politics material related to the course work in this class:

Specific Documents: General Search Sites:

For Searching For Bibliographic Information for Printed Material:

Databases Available through the SFU Library (some require you to login with your SFU ID):

Canadian Newsstand - full text of Southam newspapers for varying dates, including Nation Post from 1998 and Vancouver sun from 1987.

CPI.Q - Canadian Periodical Index covers many journals and newspapers, including the Globe & Mail.  Indexing for most, but full-text of others, including Globe & Mail

Canadian Politics (UBC Bibliographies Database)  - index of book chapters and journal articles

Canadian Reference Centre (EBSCO) - full text and indexing of Canadian and international journals and magazines

Canadian Research Index - index of government documents from federal and provincial governments, from 1980 to present (formerly MicoLog)

CBCA: Canadian Business & Current Affairs - index of Canadian magazines and newspaper articles, plus full text from subset of these periodicals

CBCA Fulltext Education - full text  from selection from selection of Canadian academic periodicals

EBSCO collection of 3500+ indexed journals and 1200+ fulltext journals

Federal Publication Locator - search engine for Canadian government information on the internet

First Nations Periodical Index - covers journals with mainly aboriginal subjects

Government of Canada Publications - search publications available in hard copy from the Government of Canada

Index to Canadian Legal Literature - index and some full text for Canadian legal periodicals

Ingenta - massive index of academic journals; with some full text coverage, including Canadian Journal of Political Science from 2001-persent

The following media corporations have archived a considerable number of previous news reports at their Internet sites, which may be accessed through their search pages:


Public Opinion Research - search their archives for survey results



Ipsos Reid (formerly Angus Reid)

Leger Marketing


Other Sites of Interest: