The Fellowship of the Rooster                                                                                                         

Since 1994, students who have achieved the highest score on a 103 midterm have received a hand carved rooster.

These little guys are quite coveted, and over time holders of the rooster have come to be known as The Fellowship of the Rooster.
On a few occasions, some  have been handed out to "honorary members" of the fellowship. Here are some winners.

The Order of the Wizards

 Starting in the Fall of 2011, a new award (inspired by a new carving knife: the Veritas CK, $30 at Lee Valley!) is to be handed out to worthy students.

Introducing the Wizards....

 These awards are handed out to any 103 student who achieves 100% on a midterm or final exam.

The first honorary member is Prof. Steve Easton:

  Steve became an honorary member for being the last active SFU
faculty member to have taught me as an undergrad ... and because he asked for one.  His wizard is wearing the Univ. of Chicago Phd gown, Steve's alma mater.

The Order of the Wizard is an exclusive club, the first (and to date the only) student winner is Amneet Kaur Mann, Spring 2018.


Amneet wanted a green wizard.  There are others still waiting for homes.  Are you up to the challenge?