setwd("C:\\Users\\authorized user\\Dropbox\\STAT445\\week11\\tutorials") euromat = as.matrix(eurodist) ############################################################### #classic Multidimensional scaling (MDS) ising 'cmdscale' #with 2 dimensions mds = cmdscale(eurodist, k=2,eig=TRUE) x=mds$points[,1] y= mds$points[,2] #the scaling represents geographical map of European cities. #however Athens is on North and Stockholm is on South #they should be reversed #So we are inverting the y axis to obtain more realistic map #of the Eropean cities plot(x,y, xlab="Coordinate 1", ylab="Coordinate 2", main="Metric MDS") text(x, y, labels = labels(eurodist), cex=.9,col=rainbow(10)) # by adding the argument ylim=rev(range(y)) in the plot #function we can obtain the realisitc map #xlim and ylim arguments are helpfull when you want #to sep up the limits for each of the axes x and y plot(x,y, xlab="Coordinate 1", ylab="Coordinate 2", main="Metric MDS",ylim=rev(range(y))) text(x, y, labels = labels(eurodist), cex=.9,col=rainbow(10)) #apply the Mardia (1979) criterion to see if #the 2 -dimensional solution fit well (pm1=cumsum(abs(mds$eig))/sum(abs(mds$eig))) (pm2=cumsum((mds$eig)^2)/sum((mds$eig)^2)) ############################################################### ############################################################### #Multidimensional scaling (MDS) using 'cmdscale' #with 3 dimensions library(scatterplot3d) mds3 = cmdscale(eurodist, k=3,eig=T) x= mds3$points[,1] y= mds3$points[,2] z= mds3$points[,3] sp=scatterplot3d(x,y,z,pch=19,color="blue",type="h") # convert 3D coords to 2D projection sp.coords <- sp$xyz.convert(mds3$points) #add text labels text(sp.coords$x, sp.coords$y,labels = labels(eurodist), cex=.9,col=rainbow(10)) sp=scatterplot3d(x,y,z,pch=19,color="blue",type="h",ylim=rev(range(y))) # convert 3D coords to 2D projection sp.coords <- sp$xyz.convert(mds3$points) #add text labels text(sp.coords$x, (sp.coords$y),labels = labels(eurodist), cex=.9,col=rainbow(10)) #apply the Mardia (1979) criterion to see if #the 2 -dimensional solution fit well (pm1=cumsum(abs(mds3$eig))/sum(abs(mds3$eig))) (pm2=cumsum((mds3$eig)^2)/sum((mds3$eig)^2)) ############################################################### ############################################################### #nonmetric MDS #dim=2 #function isoMDS uses Kruskal nonmetric MDS method #base on stress function #so results returned from isoMDS function #includes coordinates (in the list object points) #and a value for calculated stress function #requires the MASS library library(MASS) nMDS2=isoMDS(d=eurodist,k = 2) x=nMDS2$points[,1] y=nMDS2$points[,2] plot(x,y, xlab="Coordinate 1", ylab="Coordinate 2", main="Nonmetric MDS") text(x, y, labels = labels(eurodist), cex=.9,col=rainbow(10)) plot(x,y, xlab="Coordinate 1", ylab="Coordinate 2", ylim=rev(range(y)), main="Nonmetric MDS") text(x, y, labels = labels(eurodist), cex=.9,col=rainbow(10)) nMDS2$stress #plot of the stress function against the MDS dimension stress_vector=rep(NA,7) stress_vector[2]=nMDS2$stress/100 for (i in (3:10)) { stress_vector[i]=isoMDS(d=eurodist,k = i)$stress/100 } plot(1:10,stress_vector,type="l",xlab="q",ylab="Stress",main="Stress function") ###############################################################