Welcome to my home page
Marilyn Laura Bowman,
Professor Emerita,
Department of Psychology,
Simon Fraser University,
Burnaby BC,
V5A 1S6,Canada

(604) 263-7681
e-mail: bowman@sfu.ca
Ph.D. 1972 McGill University, Psychology (Clinical);
M.Sc. 1965 McGill University, Psychology;
B.A. 1961 University of Alberta, Psychology.
Originally from the Peace River country in northern Alberta, I completed my BA at the University of Alberta in Edmonton (1961), worked a year, wandered in Europe a year, then attended McGill for an M.Sc. (1963-1965) in Clinical Psychology. From 1965-1970 I worked as a clinical psychologist in a large outpatient rehabilitation centre in Montreal, assessing and treating people who had experienced head injuries with brain damage arising from serious accidents, illnesses, and assaults.
In 1970 I returned to McGill for doctoral studies, completing my PhD in Psychology (Clinical), in 1972 . In 1972-76 I held two concurrent jobs while at Queens University in Kingston: as a Faculty member in the Department of Psychology, and as Director of the University Counselling Service.I returned to western Canada in 1976, recruited by SFU to create a doctoral program in clinical psychology. I accomplished this by 1978, became Director of that program, and became Department Chairman for five years. I served several terms as Director of the Clinical Training program. From 1986-2005 I served as consulting neuropsychologist for head-injured patients, assessing the cognitive and emotional functioning of people who have been seriously injured in accidents or assaults. Arising from that extensive clinical experience I became interested in the significant variations in individual responses to challenging life events, and published a book examining the literature, showing that most people respond to challenging life events with resilience.
James Legge (1815-1897)

For the past decade I have been examining documents relating to the life of James Legge, an amazing Scottish scholar of the Victorian era, and have now completed a too-long book about his life. In the decades after arriving in Hong Kong in 1843 he produced the first translations of the full 13-book Chinese Confucian Classics, in versions that are still considered the standard against which other English translations must be measured. Legge began as a prize-winning Latin scholar from Huntly, a small town in northern Scotland, went to China as a missionary for the non-denominational London Missionary Society in 1839 (first to Malacca, then to Hong Kong), then worked in the daylight hours to establish Chinese and English congregations, mission and public schools and a College, and the public library, while working on his "magisterial" translations at night. He outlived five of his eleven children, both wives, grave tropical illnesses and serious accidents, endured a ship fire, twice risked beheading in order to help Chinese individuals during the Tai-ping rebellion, and lived through six typhoons and two massive fires in early Hong Kong. Despite these adversities he was wonderfully productive, genial, and a friend equally to a Shanghai hippie and scholar-colleague (Wang Tao), to his putative poisoner, and to an opium taipan. I hope my biography captures the wonderful quality of his work and life.
For a copy of my unpublished book, please email me.
Selected Appointments
Director of Clinical Training, Department of Psychology (Sept 1998-August 2002; September 2003-August 2005).
Visitor, David Lam East-West Institute, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, Fall 2000.
Supervisor of Clinical Practice, College of Psychology of British Columbia, March 2002-2004.
Professor, Department of Psychology, SFU, 1998.
Guest Researcher, NIH: National Institute on Neurological Diseases and Stroke, Bethesda MD. Spring 1996.
Vice-President, Research and Information Systems (Acting), 1990, Simon Fraser University. Summer.
Consulting Neuropsychologist, Workers' Compensation Board, Vancouver, 1986-2002.
Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, Simon Fraser University, 1983-85.
Chairman, Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, 1977-82.
Director, Graduate Program in Clinical Psychology, Simon Fraser University, 1977-81.
Scientific Officer, Non-Medical Use of Drugs Directorate, Health and Welfare Canada, Ottawa, 1973-75.
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Queens University at Kingston 1972-76.
Director, Student Counselling Service, Queens University at Kingston, 1972-76.
Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Sir George Williams University, Montreal, Quebec, 1970-72.
Director, Psychological Services, Constance Lethbridge Rehabilitation Centre, Montreal, 1967-70, (Staff Psychologist, CLRC, 1965-67).
Data Analyst, Social Surveys, Central Office of Information, British Government, London; and at Political and Economic Planning(Research Institute), London. 1962-63.
Selected Academic Publications
Bowman, M.L. (2004). The role of individual factors in predicting Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Chapter 17 in Schultz, I., & Gatchel, R.J. (Eds.), Handbook of complex occupational disability using a biopsychosocial approach. Ney York: Kluwer Academic.
Bowman, M. L. (2002). Problems inherent to the diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder. Chapter in Schultz, I. & D.O.Brady, Psychological injuries at trial (pp. 820-849). CD-ROM, NY: American Bar Association.
Bowman, M. L. (2003). The misinterpretation of percentiles, Clinician¹s Research Digest, 21(3), 2. Reprint of (2002) The perfidy of percentiles. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 17, 295-303.
Bowman, M. L. (2003). Problems inherent to the diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder. Chapter in Schultz, I. & D.O.Brady, Psychological injuries at trial (pp. 820-849). NY: American Bar Association.
Bowman, M. L. (2002). The perfidy of percentiles. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 17, 295-303.
Colotla, V. A., Bowman, M., & Shercliffe, R. (2001). Test-retest stability of injured workers' MMPI-2 profiles. Psychological Assessment, 13, 572-576.
Bowman, M. L. (2000). The diversity of diversity: Canadian-American differences and their implications for clinical training and APA accreditation. Canadian Psychology, 41, 4, 230-243.
Bowman, M. L. (1999). Individual differences in responding to adversity with posttraumatic distress: Problems with the DSM-IV model.Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 44 (1), 21-33.
Bowman, M. L. (1998). Bulimia: From syncope to obsession. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 12 (2), 83-92.
Bowman, M. L. (1997). Individual differences in posttraumatic response: Problems with the adversity-distress connection. Mahweh NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Bowman, M. L. (1997). Brain impairment in impulsive violence, Ch. 7 in C. Webster, & M. Jackson (Eds.). Impulsivity: Perpectives, principles, and practise. (pp. 116-141). New York: Guilford.
Bowman, M. L. (1996). Ecological validity of neuropsychological and other predictors following head injury. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 10, (4), 382-396.
Bowman, M. L. (1992). Difficulties in assessing personality and predicting behavior: Psychological tests and handwriting analyses contrasted, in B. Beyerstein & D. Beyerstein (Eds.) The Write Stuff (pp 203-231). Buffalo: Prometheus Books.
Bowman, M. L., (1991). Review of N. Cameron, Barbarians and Mandarins: Thirteen Centuries of Western Travellers in China, The International History Review, XIII, 3, 555-556.
Bowman, M. L. (1990). Coping efforts and marital satisfaction: Measuring marital coping and its correlates. Journal of Marriage and the Family. 52, 463-474.
Bowman, M. L. (1989). Testing individual differences in ancient China. American Psychologist, 44, 576-578.
Selected Papers and Abstracts of Poster Presentations
Bowman, M.L. (2003). Canadian features of social well-being and multiculturalism. Invited conference presentation, Critical Multicultural Counselling Conference, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, June.
Bowman, M.L. (2003). Individual differences in stress responses. Invited speaker, Mental Health conference, Psychiatry Department, Vancouver General Hospital, May 2.
Bowman, M.L. (2002). The Dazzling Dr. Legge: Trauma and resilience in the turmoil of early Hong Kong. Invited colloquium. Lam East-West Institute/Dept of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong. Oct 28.
Bowman, M. L. (2002). Canadian diversity & American models in accreditation. Invited symposium presentation, CCPPP Pre-Convention Workshop in Training for Diversity and Multicultural Competency, at the 63rd annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Vancouver. Psynopsis, Winter, 1.
Bowman, M. L. (2002). General issues concerning ethnocultural variables in clinical assessment. Invited presentation to CPA Symposium: Ethnocultural Issues in Assessment, at the 63rd annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Vancouver. Canadian Psychology, 43:2a, 140.
Griffiths, S., Bowman, M., & Ganesan, S. (2002, May). Long-term adjustment
after extremely stressful events in a sample of Vietnamese-Canadian seniors. Poster presented at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Vancouver. Canadian Psychology, 43: 2a, 95.
Bowman, M.L. (2002). Individual differences in posttraumatic response. Invited Lecture, Mental Sciences Division, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.
Bowman, M.L. (2001). Canadian Diversity and Accreditation of Doctoral Programs and Internships. Invited symposium presentation: Diversity training and Accreditation: American and Canadian perspectives and experiences. American Psychological Association, San Francisco CA.
Bowman, M.L. ( 2001). Individual differences in posttraumatic response. Symposium: PTSD: A biopsychosocial approach, American Psychiatric Association.
Bowman, M. L. (2000). APA accreditation and diversity in Canadian Clinical Programs. Presentation at CPA, Ottawa, June 30. Canadian Psychology, 41, (2a), 132.
Bowman, M. L. (2000). The Perfidy of Percentiles. Poster presentation, CPA, Ottawa, June 29. Canadian Psychology, 41, (2a), 69.
Bowman, M. L. (2000). The DSM has it wrong: Events and individual differences in PTSD. Canadian Psychology, 41, (2a), 23.
Bowman, M. L. (1998). Invited workshop, Individual differences in responding to losses. Burquitlam Grief Recovery Society, 24 October.
Bowman, M. L. (1998) Invited presentation: Individual responses to trauma. Greater Vancouver Mental Health Society, 24 September.
Bowman, M. L. (1997). Invited Address: Individual susceptibility to posttraumatic stress disorder. Annual conference of the British Columbia Psychological Association, November 8, Vancouver.
Bowman, M. L. (1997). Invited medical rounds colloquium: Individual differences in posttraumatic distress responses. October, Department of Psychology, Vancouver General Hospital.
Jacobucci, G, Bowman, M., Shercliffe, & Zrnich, S., (1997). Severity of traumatic brain in jury and the WAIS-R. Poster presented at the 17th annual meeting of the National Academy of Neuropsycholgy, Nevada.
Zrnich, S., & Bowman, M. L. (1997). Short-Form WMS-R scores for General Memory and Delayed Recall: Evaluating the predictive utility of the Woodard and Axelrod formulae in an ambulatory head-injured population. Poster presented at the 17th annual meeting of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, Nevada.
Shercliffe, R. J., Bowman, M. L., Jacobucci, G. D., Mankowski, S., & Zrnich, S. O. (1997). WAIS-R profiles and occupational functioning in head-injured workers. Poster presentation at the 105th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago.
Jacobucci, G. D., & Bowman, M. L., (1997) Traumatic brain injury: A new content scale for the MMPI-2. Poster presentation at the 105th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Assocation, Chicago.
Shercliffe, R., & Bowman, M. L. (1996). PTSD in victims of accidents and crimes: A comparison of symptoms. Poster presentation at the 104th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Assocation, Toronto.
Bowman, M.L. (1994). Professionalizing Assumptions in Psychology. Paper presented at the Experimental Research Seminar, Department of Psychology, SFU,18 and 25 November.
Bowman, M.L. (1994). Ecological validity of neuropsychological and other predictors following head injury. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 8, 344 (abstract).
Bowman, M.L. (1994). Organicity and Intermittent Violence. Paper presented at Impulsivity Conference, SFU Criminology and Psychology Departments, Vancouver, May 19.
Bowman, M.L. (1992) Neuropsychological assessment as a therapeutic opportunity. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Quebec City, June. Canadian Psychology, 33, 2a, 245. (abstract).
Bowman, Marilyn (1992) Comparing outcome prediction following traumatic brain injury, using medical, demographic, cognitive and emotional variables. Poster presented at the National Academy of Neuropsychology, Dallas Texas. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 7, 4, 316. (abstract).
Bowman, M.L. (1991) Predicting outcome of traumatic brain injury from medical and neuropsychological measures. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Annual convention, Calgary Alberta. Canadian Psychology, 32, 2a, 197. (Abstract),
Bowman, M.L. (1991), Predicting outcome of traumatic brain injury from demographic, medical and neuropsychological indicators. Invited address, 10 January, Medical Staff, Workers¹ Compensation Board, Vancouver, BC.
Grady, B. & Bowman, M (1990). Situational and personal determinants of coping with stressful situations. Poster presentation, Canadian Psychological Association. Halifax. Canadian Psychology, 31(2a) 454. (Abstract).
1985 Park O. Davidson Award for ³Distinguished contributions to psychology as it is practised in British Columbia². Awarded by the College of Psychologists of British Columbia.
1972 Best Dissertation Award: American Psychological Association, Division of Psychopharmacology, for "Cannabis: Psychological effects of prolonged heavy use".
External Reports, Activities, Site Reviews
1993 Member, site accreditation review team for APA-CPA accreditation of a Doctoral program in Clinical Psychology at the University of Saskatchewan.
1993 Member, site accreditation review team for APA-CPA accreditation of a Doctoral program in Clinical Psychology at the University of Victoria.
1991 Member and contributor to Final Report to the B. C. Minister of Universities, of a Three-person Site Review Committee concerning the application of Trinity Western University for an M.A. Program in Counselling, December 1990-91
1990 Advisory Member: External Review of School of Kinesiology, SFU
1990 Member, Site Review Committee concerning the application of the Alberta Hospital, Edmonton Alberta, for Accreditation as an Internship with the Canadian Psychological Association, March.
Thesis research, McGill University
1970-72 Doctoral: A study of the psychological effects of the chronic use of marijuana.
1963-65 Masters: A controlled clinical trial of a new anti-depressant.
British Columbia Psychological Association
1977-81 Member and Secretary-Treasurer, Board of Directors, British Columbia Psychological Association.
Thesis supervision as Senior Supervisor
1998 Jacobucci, Gloria; 1996 Schibler, S.; 1995 Eveleigh, D. ; 1994 Grady, B; 1994 Zaskow, C; 1987 Wild, U.; 1986 Gilbert, M. 1984 Kuttner, L.; 1977 Lieren, B.
2000 McLaughlin, Cathy; 1998 Mankowski, Sophie; 1996 Shercliffe, R.; 1993 Jacobucci, G.; 1988 Grady, B; 1982 Gingell, C.; 1981 Shea, M.; 1979 Stoian, M.
Hons. B.A.:
1998 Flynn, Erin; Macdonald, Heather; 1997 Zrnich, S.; 1986, Metcalfe; 1984, Macdonald, A.; 1981, Holoboff, E.; 1979; Grice, S.; Snook, S..
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