About Me

  • MSc, Simon Fraser University, 2011
  • BHSc, University of Calgary, 2009

My name is Boris and I am currently doing my PhD at Simon Fraser University. Academically, my interests lie in Evolutionary Computation techniques for solving bio-informatics based problems, as well as bio-informatics related visualization. I have worked on projects that ranged from work in the wet lab doing synthetic biology to coding of simulations of biochemical processes inside cells.

I completed my first degree as a Bachelor of Health Sciences (BHSc), specializing in bio-informatics, at the University of Calgary, under the guidance of Dr. Christian Jacob. My focus for my honours thesis was evolving virtual biological "circuits", that could later be synthesized and put into cells, using Evolutoinary Computation techniques.

My second degree was awarded by Simon Fraser University as a Master of Science (MSc), specializing in Computing Science. My MSc thesis focus was improving the performance
and portability of jViz.RNA, a software designed for RNA secondary structure visualization.

My supervisor at the moment is Dr. Kay Wiese, who was my supervisor for my MSc thesis as well.
