Christoph Lülfesmann’s  Teaching Page (Spring 2020)


Note: my teaching page has now been moved to Canvas.  


ECON 201:  Intermediate Microeconomics – Competitive Behavior



Assignment #1   and    Answer Key #1

Practice Midterm

Midterm Exam 

Lecture notes Ch8 – Ch 14 – tuts week 9

Ch 8 audiofile     Ch 14 audiofile

Lecture notes Ch 15    Ch 15 audiofile

Lecture notes Ch 16    Ch 16 audiofile

Lecture notes Ch 19    Ch 19 audiofile

Lecture notes Ch 20-21   Ch 20-21 audiofile

Lecture notes Ch 22     Ch 22 audiofile    Tutorialsolutions Ch19-22

Lecture notes Ch 23-24    Ch 23-24 audiofile    Tutorialsolutions Ch23-24

Assignment #2  and    Answer Key #2

Assignment #3  and    Answer Key #3

Practice Final

Final Exam




          ECON 426: Industrial Organization - Governance and Institutions






Handout term paper


Assignment #1    and    Answer Key #1


Assignment #2   and    Answer Key #2                                       


          Assignment #3   and    Answer Key #3


          Practice term exam


Term Exam-oral





Previous Teaching:


Fall 19: Econ 201, Econ 425.

Fall 18: Econ 201, Econ 425.

Summer 18: Econ 425: Seminar in Industrial Organization

Fall 17: Econ 201: Intermediate Micro; Econ 900: PhD Seminar.

Spring 17: Econ 201: Intermediate Micro; Econ 325: Industrial Organization

Spring 16: Econ 325: Industrial Organization; Econ 425: Seminar in IO

Fall 15:  Econ 201: Intermediate Micro; Econ 826: Applied Contract Theory (graduate)

Spring 15: Econ 201: Intermediate Micro; Econ 425: Seminar in Industrial Organization

Fall 14:  Econ 201: Intermediate Micro (D1 and D2)

Spring 14: Econ 201: Intermediate Micro; Econ 325: Industrial Organization; Econ 425: Seminar in Industrial Organization

Spring 13:  Econ 201/301: Intermediate Micro -Competitive Behavior

Fall 12:  Econ 201/301: Intermediate Micro -Competitive Behavior; Econ 325: Industrial Organization

Spring 12: Econ 301: Intermediate Micro - Competitive Behavior

Fall 11:  ECON 325: Industrial Organization; ECON 426: Special Topics: Governance and Institutions

Summer 11: ECON 826: Applied Contract Theory (Graduate)

Fall 10:  Econ 301: Intermediate Microeconomics                        

Spring 10: ECON 826: Applied Contract Theory (Graduate)

Fall 09:   Econ 301: Intermediate Microeconomics; ECON 325: Industrial Organization

Spring 09: ECON 301 (D1 and D2): Intermediate Microeconomics

Fall 08:  ECON 282 (Surrey): Intro to Game Theory ; ECON 325: Industrial Organization

Spring 08:  ECON 826: IO II (Graduate)

Fall 07: ECON 325: Industrial Organization; ECON 425: Special Topics: IO - Imperfect Competition

Fall 06: ECON 426: Industrial Organization: Governance and Institutions

Fall 05: ECON 325: Industrial Organization; ECON 826: Industrial Organization II  (graduate)


