P3 - Petri net tool
This project was created in the context of the research efforts of the GoodOldAI reasearch group.
Project overview
The goal of the project is to research the use of Petri nets on the Semantic Web. The main research goals are:
- development of an educational software that enables modeling by using Petri net graphical notation
- implementation of several Petri net dialects in order to support modeling hardware
- development of simulation tools that will interacitively change Petri net graph
- implementation of different Petri net analysis tools (e.g. reachability tree, matrix equations) exchanging Petri nets models with other software tool using XML and Petri Net Markup Language (PNML)
- support of creating Web documents in the form of Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) documents that will contain Petri net graph
- creating Resource Description Framework (RDF)-annotated documents with respect to the Petri net ontology
Alternative project home page. Old version of the project home page.
Contact information: Dragan Gasevic