EchooLab Business Website Design/Develop

Business Website Design/Develop

EchooLab Marketing Website is a task that was given to me during my internship with the start-up company. Its main task is to tell the audience what is EchooLab and what do they do. It is also good for the investors to understand the company's vision while also gets an understanding of company's current project.

I started the project by designing the website in wireframe programs, in this case, Adobe XD. It allows me to create an interactive demo that captured the core design idea that I was going for. After having multiple demos designed, I had a private meeting with the CEO, Mr. Han. He gave me a lot of feedback on his vision and the things that he wanted to add to the webpage.
After understanding his needs, I continued my project with style guides and template using basic HTML and CSS. It took me roughly around 2 days to complete both of them and I took my project to their current lead designer, Serena. She gave me a lot of feedback related to company color and styling. With those in mind, I started creating the website from the template and style guide that I have created. However, sometimes things just don't mesh together properly during the development phase, sometimes it was technical difficulty and sometimes the design just doesn't look good when developed. Therefore, I went back to Adobe XD to redesign part of the website that wasn't 'good enough' for myself.

Later on, when I had most of the website done, I arranged another meeting with Mr. Han and received really positive feedback from him. I continued the webpage by adding in contents from their marketing team and making them responsive as well.
Overall, I really appreciate the opportunity that the company gave me to create their website. Although I am not totally fluent in HTML and CSS yet, this project really helps me developed my web development skill by a lot. If you are interested in the website, please go to or simply search EchooLab on Google. (P.S. There are still some pages that weren't hosted by the company due to lack of content, Mr. Han told me that he would host it eventually when they have the content.)