Segal School of Business

Simon Fraser University

500 Granville Street.

Vancouver, British Columbia,

Canada V6C 1W6


Phone: +1 (778) 782-5168











Eric Gedajlovic



Eric Gedajlovic is a Professor at Simon Fraser University where he holds a joint appointment with the Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Strategy areas.  He has also taught at the University of Connecticut, the Rotterdam School of Management, Rutgers University, Concordia University and the University of New Brunswick. A native Montrealer, Eric has a B.A in Industrial relations from McGill University and an M.B.A. from Concordia University. He graduated from Montreal's Bilingual (English-French) PhD in Management Program which is jointly operated by Concordia UniversityMcGill University, HEC-Montreal and the University of Quebec at Montreal.

 Much of his research focuses on entrepreneurship, family business and the comparative analysis of business, financial and governance systems and their influence upon the development of firm capabilities, strategic assets and national competitiveness. Eric works with co-authors on three continents and has conducted empirical research on companies in various parts of the world. He is currently working on several studies of firms in Southeast Asia, Japan and Europe. His research has been published in leading international management journals including the Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, Organization Science, Journal of Business Venturing, Organization Studies and Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.  He sits on the editorial boards of the Journal of Management Studies and the Asia Pacific Journal of Management. Eric has taught various courses in the fields of strategic management, entrepreneurship, international business, management of technology and organizational theory to undergraduate, MBA, Executive MBA and Ph.D classes.

Below you will find links to pages that provide additional information regarding Eric's Research, Teaching and Personal Activities.


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Copyright, Eric Gedajlovic, 2000-2010