Phil 120: Intro to Moral Philosophy
Spring 2005; Evan Tiffany



Select one (1) of the following prompts to write on:

1.  Critically evaluate Mill’s “quasi-ideal” account of happiness.

2.  To what extent does Tolstoy’s portrait of Count Rostopchin, and his decision to order the execution of Vereshchagin, pose a problem for utiltarianism?

3.  How would a utilitarian frame the debate regarding the morality of forced sterilization of the mentally ill.  That is, what considerations would a utilitarian consider relevant and how would a utilitarian go about weighing those considerations so as to reach an ultimate conclusion.

4.  Same as (3), but also take a stand on whether this is an appropriate way to frame that debate.

5.  In his essay, “The Rights Revolution,” Michael Ignatieff talks about the relative advantages and disadvantages of framing moral and political issues in terms of interests versus rights.  Compose an essay that clearly explicates the relevant trade-offs.

Note: this will require more than mere summary of Ignatieff.  He simply introduces the issues, but you will have to think about this yourself and expand on what he says.
6.  Same as (5), but in addition to explicating the trade-offs, argue for when, if ever, utilitarian calculations concerning competing interests should be set aside in favor of rights.  (I.e., what must be true of a putative “right” in order for it to trump the interests of individuals, groups, or the state).

Formal Stuff

Stage 1:  Outline & Meeting with TA
Arrange a meeting with your TA to discuss an outline of your paper.  Your TA will give you the details regarding her/his procedure for scheduling the meeting.
Requirements: Worth: 5 points
Due:  The meeting must take place by the end of week 6 (Feb. 17).

Stage 2:  Final Draft of the Paper 2
Formal Requirements

Due:  One week after the date of your meeting.
Worth: 25 points

Stage 3: Revised Draft
Your initial final draft will be returned in tutorial Week 8.
The Revised draft is due in tutorial Week 9.

Again, you must submit your revised draft to