Counting With Classifiers

'uw' nuts'a' 'ul'just one
'uw' nuts'a' 'ul' kw'unu stl'i'.I'm buying only one.
nuts'a' shewuqone carrot
nuts'usone round object
nuts'us 'apulsone apple
'uw nuts'us 'ul' kw'unu stl'i'.I want only one round object.
nuts'uqunone container
nuts'uqun tl'elhumone box of salt
'uw' nuts'uqun 'ul'only one container
nuts'a', yuse'lu, lhihw, xu'athun1-4
nuts'us, yusa'lus, lhihwus, xuthinus1-4 round objects
nuts'uqun, yuse'luqun, lhihwuqun, xuthinuqun1-4 containers
yuse'lu kw'unus 'iluquls.I'm going to buy two.
yuse'lu kw'unu stl'i'.I want two.
yuse'lu shewuqtwo carrots
yusa'lustwo round objects
yusa'lus sqewthtwo potatoes
yusa'lus kw'unu stl'i'.I want two round objects.
yuse'luquntwo containers
yuse'luqun 'ispawtutwo containers of baking powder
yuse'luqun kw'unu stl'i'.I want two containers.
lhihwusthree round objects
lhihwus 'apulsthree apples
lhihwus kw'unu stl'i'.I want three round objects.
lhihwuqunthree containers
lhihwuqun kw'unu stl'i'.I want three containers.
lhihwuqun sqaal'muhwthree containers of milk
xuthinusfour round objects
xuthinus sqewthfour potatoes
xuthinus kw'unu stl'i'.I want four round objects.
xuthinuqunfour containers
xuthinuqun slhap'four containers of soup
xuthinuqun kw'unu stl'i'.I want four containers.
kw'in kw'un' stl'i'?How many do you want?
kw'inus kw'un' stl'i'?How many (round objects) do you want?
kw'inus 'apuls kw'un' stl'i'?How many apples do you want?
kw'inuqun kw'un' stl'i'?How many (containers) do you want?

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