Good Morning

ʔəy̓ netəł!Good morning!
mi θəɬ ʔəmət!Get up now!
ʔəmət θəɬ! ʔəwɬ mə q̓ilt.Get up now! It’s late!
ʔəθ ƛ̓iʔ ʔə k̓ʷəθ ʔəłtən k̓ʷ ʔiks?Do you want to eat some eggs?
sk̓ʷey k̓ʷəns ʔayəm k̓ʷəns nem̓ skʷul.I mustn’t be late for school.
təmtem ʔi mi tecəl kʷθə sti:č?What time is the bus arriving here?
tu:xʷ tintin ʔi yeł mis tecel.It doesn’t arrive until nine o’clock.
sk̓ʷey k̓ʷəns ʔayəm k̓ʷəns heyeʔ.I mustn’t be late leaving.
Ooo, wəɬ tecəl tθə sti:č.Oh, here comes the bus.
niʔ ʔənəcə kʷθən kapu?Where is my coat?
ʔi waw̓a meʔ.Maybe there.
hey̓ewəł!Good bye!
heyewəł, ʔənsəwł hayeʔ.Goodbye, I’m leaving now.
hey̓ewəł teʔ!Goodbye, Mom!
hey̓ewəł meʔ!Goodbye, Dad!
hey̓ewəł sil̓ə!Goodbye, Grandparent!
hey̓ewəł! ʔəw sya čxʷ ʔəl̓!Goodbye! Take care!

Revised 2014-07-04. .Back to Table of Contents