FPA 386
f i l m _ m u s i c
assignment log page

Film/Moving Picture Log should contain the following information:

Title:__________________________, Date of Work_(year)_,

Log (in Word table format) as described below.

e x a m p l e

"The Gangs of West Van" 2001
Directed by: Martin Smithe
Music by: Joe Black with songs by MC Whatshisname

music cue/type*** notes****
0:00 Opening credits Main Theme of the film (MT)/Score Opening credits are an Hip-hop style piece. Electronic drums, horn section and strings. Slow tempo. Heavy bass. Main melody is played on an organ. Seems to be in a major key. Funky yet dark, the main theme portends a serious drama about youth (suggested by the musical style chosen). Opening credit sequence has some sampled sirens, police radio and other urban sounds mixed in. These samples support the gang/crime genre of the film.
1:25 Establishing shot of neighbourhood. We see main character (Leslie) walking home in the early morning. Variation of MT: MT-Sad/Oboe/Score Main melody now played by an oboe or similar double reed instrument. Accompanied by electronic drums and vibraphone. The musical style is still hip-hop but this version of the theme is less funky and more melancholy than the opening. It seems to have changed to a minor key. Clearly, character or situation is sad or troubled. Cue continues into next scene.
2:34 Interior of Leslie's house. Leslie makes breakfast. MT-Sad/Oboe/Source Previous cue has now changed from score to source as it has been mixed or processed to appear to be coming from a small radio in the kitchen. Cue ends as Leslie turns off the radio.
4:17 Interior of Jake's car. Jake is Leslie's boyfriend and the other main character of the film. He is driving on a busy city street. Song: "My Bling can Sing" by MC Whatshisname/Source Cue begins with cut to this scene. Source music - hip hop/rap - altered to sound like it is coming from the car stereo. Clearly diegetic though it transforms to score in the next scene (song continues on after Jake parks the car and enters Leslie's house and any processing required to make it sound like it was playing in the car is removed). The lyrics may be meaningful as they suggest that Jake is very materialistic - which is reinforced by his dress and demeanor. In addition, hip-hop can denote "gangsta" in some contexts thereby suggesting to the audience that there is something sinister about Jake.
* This is the time as displayed on the DVD player or software.
** Describe the scene. For the purposes of this log, a scene is a sequence of shots in a given location. It is not necessary to document each shot within a scene. If the music enters, exits or changes, describe the synchronous action. You must list scenes without music as well.
*** This is where you identify and name the cues. If there are themes associated with a character you may use that character's name to label the cue. You may use acronyms once the full name of the cue is presented (i.e. Main Theme can be referred to as MT in subsequent listings). If the music cue is a song or other previously composed work, identify it here. Some cues may be difficult to differentiate, i.e. they may be simple incidental or transitional music which leads the viewer from one scene to the next. In these cases the cue need not have a specific name. Identify if the cue is score (non-diegetic or pit music: no identifiable source on screen) or source (identifiable source on screen - also known as screen music).
**** This column describes the music to the best of your ability. If you haven't any musical training, simply detail what you hear. Identify style, instrumentation, tempo: i.e. any salient musical details. You may also include any non-musical sounds that are an integral part of the soundtrack. If you have some musical training you may identify the key, provide a simple notation of the melody, identify the chords, etc. If this is a source music cue, identify the source. In this column you may also note what you think the intention of the music cue is. Note entrance, exit or changes in music. Note that there are web sites which identify source music in films.